Chapter 3: The abandoned house comes to life

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A/n: Fiona is mute because I love that about Fiona in the book and after reading it I am annoyed that they changed that in the film. All ages and peculiarities are the same as in the film I just really like this one feature from the book :)

A woman opened the door, a woman with navy blue hair and talon-like nails a pipe, a navy blue suit and piercing blue eyes I knew who she was. She was the one and only Miss Alma Peregrine, Jake didn't fully know who she was she held out her hand and spoke,
"Miss Peregrine pleasure to meet you. Now Emma I hope I won't have the pub landlord with the police on my doorstep again!"
She said this with a bird-like glare in her eyes Emma and Olive shifted uncomfortably as Emma explained,
"Olive may have started a tiny fire and Millard broke a few things but they were going to hurt Jake and y/n!"
Miss Peregrine stood to the side to allow the children in the house she stepped in front of us before we could enter and greeted us with a heart warming smile, something about her smile made the constant anxiety that Wales has brought me leave my mind she spoke to me and Jake,
"Jake, y/n last time dear Abe sent me a photo you were only a tiny tot Jake and you were about  ten correct y/n?"
I nodded and Jake smiled Miss Peregrine mentioned something about our tea getting cold and then asked if we took sugar. We walked in and Olive was boiling the kettle I smiled at her and she smiled back,
"That's enough Olive no one likes over-boiled tea."
She nodded and then I noticed a boy who wasn't much older than Jake most likely just a year I peered at him until he turned and glared,
"Let me help you with those Enoch!" Olive said putting her gloves back on Enoch rolled his eyes and sneered,
"Oh don't mind me, don't want to interrupt your little tea party!"
Olive went after him quickly I and Jake glanced at each other as Miss Peregrine explained how Enoch didn't enjoy new people I smiled at her listening closely we followed her outside to the garden as she showed us about.

She showed us all of the children we saw Millard and Hugh playing soccer, Claire on the seesaw. The twins were fighting over a teddy bear and Miss Peregrine ripped it in half with ease I stared at the woman I honestly think I stopped breathing this world was magical. We then walked over to Emma who was looking up at a tree with a rope around her arm. I remembered how Bronwyn had an older brother named Victor,
"Miss Peregrine, may I ask where Victor is?"
Miss Peregrine looked away from me sadly and commented on how Victor was upstairs I nodded assuming he was sick but we stopped by Emma as Miss Peregrine queried where Enoch and Olive had gone Emma was saying how Enoch was off "sulking" somewhere whatever that means Miss Peregrine nodded as Bronwyn came running up,
"Miss Peregrine there's a police officer at the door he says it's about the pub!"
Miss Peregrine glares at Emma who shifts uncomfortably and then Jake swoops in to defend her I make the mental note to tease about that later.

I smile as we help Emma with her chores I roll my eyes as Jake gets so flustered about tying a rope around her waist and once we're done Emma asks about us staying for dinner I mention how we don't really have a choice seeing as our stuff is burnt,
"It's not. Time loop remember, if I burn the grass here it will not be touched in your time."
I peer at Emma but nod regardless and agree but let Jake know we are going home afterwards though but Jake ends up in our grandpa's old room and I end up speaking with Miss Peregrine,
"So yeah if it isn't too much trouble Emma invited us to stay for dinner."
Miss Peregrine smiles and nods and I smile back.
"Oh my dear, it's no trouble at all."
She replied enthusiastically I nod back when Bronwyn and Fiona pull me away Bronwyn wanting to show me something and Fiona nodding and pulling my hand gently I smile and follow them.

We find a beanstalk and I look up in awe I mutter wow under my breath as I try to see the top but it appeared to be above the clouds I look down and the two girls next to me and ask,
"Fiona, did you grow this?"
Fiona looks back up at me and smiles widely nodding her head appearing ever so proud of herself I smile at her as I was immensely impressed Bronwyn chirps in excitedly,
"You know your grandpappy and Fiona would always play around on beanstalks like this, Fiona would grow it just a little bit and then he'd hold on to two vines and see how high he can get!"
I smile wildly and try to picture it as Bronwyn kept explaining and Fiona every so often would nod or tap her chest quickly in excitement. We heard a bell ringing and Bronwyn exclaimed "Dinner Finally!"
So we three all walked into the house and Everyone sat down Jake was sat next to Emma and Olive gestured to the empty chair beside her so I sit down I glance around the table I notice most of the kids are chatting happily except Fiona I peer at her as I notice she is tapping in a solid pattern on her leg she stares at her plate worriedly I ask whisper to Olive,
"Is Fiona okay?"
Olive looks at Fiona I see her glance at her plate and then she whispers back,
"Maybe, Fiona has this thing she dosn't like certain foods and sensations.It really upsets her same with sudden changes"
I nod and watch as Fiona takes a bite of food and slowly chew with a questioning look on her face,eventually she starts to chew at a normal pace,
"This is a new meal we're trying so she's not too thrilled but looks like it pasts her little quirk."
I look at Olive thinking questioning why she would be talking about someone with clear neuro divergence like that before I remember 1943, they haven't really gotten a concept of neuro divergence in men let alone women

 We all talk when Horce comments about Enoch being jealous of Jake. He proceeds to say a snarky comment that ends with Emma storming off the rest of dinner is sat in mostly silence We watch Horce project his dreams and we watch the loop reset as I do I remember how my grandpa told me about it one night when I was 16 he was having a bad night with his Alzheimer and was talking about this place,

"The rain would pour so hard each night, and you would hear the Planes it would be terrifying some nights my dear motyl but when the bomb would drop and the whistle would sound Miss Peregrine froze time!"
He said laying down on his hospital bed, he had just gotten hurt and I nodded amazed as 16-year-old me could pretend to be,
"She really would freeze time grandpa?"
Grandpa nodded,
"Oh yeah my motyl it was beautiful as the time that day reversed as the squirrel Emma would help would fall back out the tree and then go back in it and as the sun and clouds moved backwards, nothing my dear and I mean nothing has come close to being that beautiful."

I tear up as I remember the conversation well but I smile as it all resets and he was right it was a beautiful slight but once it was over Miss Peregrine invited me and Jake over to stay the night and I feel inclined to say yes...

A/n: Fiona is autistic because I say so I know the actual reason she's mute in the books but I like her and I might be on the spectrum so Fiona is too!

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