Chapter four: nightime talks

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A/n: I don't know much about Miss Peregrine's canon backstory as I haven't finished the second book yet so if something isn't canon please don't question it too much and y/m/n stands for your middle name IM SO SORRY I FORGOT TO UPLOAD ON SUNDAY I WAS BAUSY IM SO SORRY
TW: sibling abuse from Miss Peregrine's backstory is nothing explicit but it is discussed

Jake and I stayed in our grandpa's old room, there was something oddly comforting about it. The older kids Enoch, Emma and Olive were up late under Miss Peregrine's supervision Jake and the others were all playing a board game while Miss Peregrine was reading a book I looked at her from the couch I was sitting on and she glanced up at me and gave me one of the most beautiful smiles yet, we made eye contact for a few seconds till she glanced down at her book. Jake and the others were in a heated game of monopoly,
"Olive give Jake the money!"
Groaned Enoch, Olive made a series of frustrating noises before exclaiming,
"No! Enoch, he's in jail!"
Miss Peregrine sighs but chuckles Olive reluctantly handed Jake the 50 but Miss Peregrine tells the kids to go to sleep,
"Jake you too please."
Jake glanced up at me astonished but followed I went to follow him but Miss Peregrine called my name she was sitting cross-legged her hands resting on her lap,
"Please stay, talk to me."
She said with a wide smile I sit down across from her she tilts her head to the side and taps the seat next to her I blush and sit next to her I smile next to her happily,
"Why do you want to talk?"
I ask her Miss Peregrine smiles kindly and says she just wants to know my life I look at her confused I question her again before she playfully rolls her eyes,
"Dear lord Y/n please just tell me about your life, tell me about the world, tell me about you!"
I smile dopily no one has ever wanted to know my life so the fact that she does makes me smile
"Only if you tell me about your life first?"
Miss peregrine thinks for a second before nodding,
"Well, my name is Alma lefay I have two older brothers, Jack and Myron. They were nice to me when I was a little girl I coughed up my first fether when I was 10, that's how they discovered my peculiarity."
She pauses I notice tears in her eyes I feel a pang of sympathy in my chest I place my hand on hers and she takes it quickly she closes her eyes and takes a breath,
"I got sent to an ymbryne academy run by Esmerelda Avocet with my brothers to stop us from being split up this is when they started treating me badly Myron. Myron would cut my hair and lock me in cupboards while Cual um Jack would do stuff to me."
I look at her and squeeze her hands.

"I'm so sorry, it wasn't your fault and it never will be your fault and you deserve so much better."
Miss Peregrine took a breath and smiled at me I told her that she doesn't need to talk if she doesn't want to she shook her head and said she wants too
"Once I left Miss Avocets academy I left for wales and I never looked back, I found all the children, all so sweet and I met your grandpa, and well that's all that's worth telling."
She finishes talking with a bittersweet smile I quietly ask if she wants a hug she nods she whispers back about how she hasn't told many people we smile before I ask what my grandpa's peculiarity she smiles and explains it all she asks what my peculiarity with an excited smile I pause and give an awkward smile as I explain I have no idea what my peculiarity is she nods and asks if I want help I shake my head and say I'd rather work that out myself,
"Now please Y/n tell me about your life!"
Says Miss Peregrine facing me sitting up happily

"Well, You know what my name is Y/n Y/m/n Portman I'm 22 and I'm six years older than Jake and I went to a shitty school and I was very lucky with my mom and dad they care about me and Jake but school was pretty shit I was bullied for being fat, I wasn't even fat and then I was also bullied for being stupid,"
I make air quotes on the word stupid I still hate the kids who bullied me in elementary school.
"And then in middle school, I was bullied for, for."
I draw off at the end of my sentence I  break off eye contact with Miss Peregrine before mumbling,
"For being gay. It was very fun but after school, everything seems to be fine and then grandpa died but yeah that was a really bad day and I honestly really hope that one day I can forget."
Miss Peregrine looks at me and very quietly asks her voice nearly a whisper,
"Is being gay legal in wales?"
I smile and say yes and say it has been for a while. I see a wide smile make its way onto her face I wrap my arm around her shoulder she hugs me back Miss Peregrine doesn't pull away and neither of us, do  We stay like that for a couple of seconds more before I sit back up and face each other I ask,
"Do you know why Fiona is mute?"
Miss Peregrine thinks for a moment before saying,
"Truthfully I don't think I'll ever know for sure but I think she may be autistic when time in the loop matched time outside I did try and get her a diagnosis but doctors don't think it can show up in girls."
I sigh and nod commenting on how doctors no longer think like that Miss Peregrine replies with a final good. 
"Miss Peregrine, what was my grandpa like?"
Miss Peregrine smiles at me and takes a breath a smile making its way onto her face before saying,
"He was adventurous and a lovely sweet boy and he was brave and you know what."
I question her on what and she replies with a proud smile,
"A bloody good man as worried as I was. When he told me he was joining the army I was very proud."
I smile at her and she smiles back before saying,
"And any way call me Alma, you're not a child."
I smile and before I actually think I quickly reply with,
"Well, a woman as beautiful as you deserves the respect of her last name."
She stares at me taken aback before laughing not unkindly or at me nor was it an awkward laugh she just laughed. I blink my brain processing what I just said and I cringe at myself before hearing Alma chuckle,
"Oh my, well thank you Miss Portman and I could say the same for you so if pretty women get their last names said I guess we're calling each other by our last names!"
I blush and smile and mumble thank you we both look at the time and walk upstairs Grandpa's old room is first me and Alma stand whispering for a little longer but so we can hear each other she stands close to me I study her face wanting to always remember the smile and the twinkle in her eyes but she leaves she whispers a final thank you,
"Thank you Y/n I haven't had a conversation like that in a long time it means a lot to me."
I smile at her and she goes to walk away she turns around to say something to me I think but she stops she looks me up and down smiles at me and then walks away.

I stare after her. I hear her bedroom door close and it takes me a minute to snap out of my trance but when I do I go into my grandpa's room and go to sleep.

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