Chapter Seven: A time loop closes, and a dangerous adventure begins

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Alma opens the door shock etched onto her face I see the children on the stairs regret makes a comfortable den in my stomach tears fill my eyes as Dr Golan begins,

"Miss Peregrine what a pleasure it is to finally make your acquaintance! May we come in?" Alma opens the door enough for me and Dr Golan to walk in he calls the children down the stairs Alma quickly tells him to shush and for the children to stay on the stairs I see Jake standing in front of the twins and all I can think is how proud grandpa would be if he was here right now. Dr Golan begins to talk, and Alma whips her head around and says,
"I thought I told you to be quiet."
I smirk and think to myself what a woman, but I feel Dr Golan pull my head back and press his knife into my neck a hot sting flashes through the side of my neck I hear my brother gasp I glance at him, he looks terrified Alma begins to speak once again,
"I'm assuming your plan here is to take me to your rendezvous in black pool tower preferably in bird form while the children are all in a lockable room such as the parlour because you won't be letting Miss y/l/n go until then as you can't risk your leverage am I right Dr Golan?"
Alma glares at him, he's left speechless he nods. Alma swallows
"Children come downstairs, please all enter the parlour."
Enoch scoffs and says,
"You're really going to sacrifice all of us and yourself for her?"
Embarrassment is the only word I can use to describe my emotional state at this point it's a valid question this amazing woman is sacrificing herself for me, if it was Jake, I'd understand completely he can see and sense the hollows but all I can do is sense the wights and even then, Alma doesn't even know I can do that.

"Dr Golan travels with a hollow Enoch and when that arrives, we will all be dead!"
Horce whispers something in Enochs's ear and a sudden understanding washed over his face as Alma opened the parlour door and said goodbye to the children,
"It has been an honour protecting you all, goodbye my children."
Alma shuts the door I take a deep breath my gut twisting Dr Golan lets me go and I promise to protect them all and then they are gone.

He takes Alma and they are gone. I stare at the door for a second until I rember the children locked in the parlour I unlock the door and a woman who I didn't even know was here has taken charge, 

"Lock the door whoever you are!"

she says I hesitate for a moment before locking the door it was like my voice had been stolen, I honestly couldn't talk Jake introduces me,

"Miss Avocet that's my big sister Y/N Portman Y/N this is Miss Avocet!" 

I nod recognizing her name she was the ymbryne who taught Alma my heart sinks when I think about her Jake is talking about how we need to stay indoors and be careful as at night we won't even be able to see the hollows shadow fear washes over me and I swallow thickly I look at Jake and he looks at me and we nod at one another silently forgiving each other for the fight he knows somehow what I know and I know what he knows. The phone rings and everyone freezes in place Emma looks between me and Jake and says,

"Y/N you better go answer that tonight."

Her voice is morbid I walk out to the hallway slowly and I pick up the receiver I can't stop the tears from pooling in my eyes as I hear my grandpa's voice,

"Hello, Miss Peregrine, it's Abe I'm just calling to check in on everyone."


"Oh, hello you must be a new member, well welcome to the family what's your name?"

"Y/N, Grandpa I love you and I am so sorry I thought this place was just a story it's truly wonderful everyone is amazing, and I hope I made you proud!"

The sentence comes out as one big fast paced mess grandpa is silent on the other end, and he hangs up I walk back to the parlour fortified with tears in my eyes Fiona sees this and rushes over to give me the biggest hug ever, but we part when Miss Avocet begins to speak,

" Now children I want no heroes tonight your main goal is getting out alive leave the hollow to me-" 

before she can finish her sentence, she is ripped out of the room by an invisible creature the young ones scream and Enoch rushes foreword to try and kill it only for himself to be picked up in the creatures grasp I move myself Infront of the younger ones and Jake lunges foreword onto the floor to pick up the crossbow Miss Avocet dropped and I can only wonder what he sees because all I see is Enoch being waved around in the air like a dog toy  and then Jake shoots and Enoch is dropped Bronwyn breaks the door open and I yell for everyone to follow me I lead them upstairs into the attic Jake says something about reset being soon as we begin to hear planes overhead we can all hear the hollow trying to break down the door I open a window I see and spot the oak tree that Emma has one of her chores at. I call over Fiona and ask if Shes able to do anything with it she nods and walks out Olive calls out for her to be careful, and I watch as Fiona extends the branch, I lift Claire and Bronwyn out the window first getting the younger ones out the way then everyone else follows until it's just me Jake and Emma left, I instruct Jake to go first. He argues so I just kind of shove him out of the window he slips but doesn't hurt himself.

Emma and I leave but we get almost stuck as we can't jump because we'll die but we won't be able to make it to the branch in time I stammer as I try to work out what to do but Emma takes the lead and removes her lead shoes quickly wrapping her arms around my neck and jumps her peculiarity having us at a slow but safe descent. 

The bomb hits.

All of the children stare at their home as time goes backwards,

"That was the loop closing. The loop is gone, come on we need to find Miss Peregrine!" 

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