Chapter Eight: Blackpool Peir

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"That was the loop closing. The loop is gone, come on we need to find Miss Peregrine!"

Emma had said this as the time loop fell apart and she was right we all needed to find Alma before the children aged up. Emma led everyone to a beach, and we were all standing there as we waited for someone to come up with a plan but it was pointless. After a minute or two we all heard an Irish accent say,

"He took Miss to Blackpool."

I looked about until my eyes settled on little Fiona who had Claire staring up at her in wonder I smiled and asked if she had been the one to say that she nodded her head, and I asked if she was sure and she nodded her head once again and I glanced over at Jake who looked back at me with a broad smile and started to ask Emma about her boat Hugh was hugging Fiona tightly. After 10 minutes the boat was up and running I took control of the boat as I had actually learnt to drive a boat in girl scouts and to black pool we were, 

"We need a plan we can't just walk in there." I had said at one point there was a murmur of agreements I began to think and Emma had made a point of asking,

"We can't tell the wights from normal human beings though, so how will we even get to Miss Peregrine with ought being spotted?"

This time it was my turn to smile,

"Not exactly true, I can sense wights! My peculiarity had been warning me about Dr Golan the entire time, I never had anxiety Jake I was like you and Grandpa!"

Jake looked at me and agreed commenting how it would make sense seeing as Grandpa and him would see Hollows what's stopping me from sensing wights and we all continued to form a plan until sunrise when we arrived at Blackpool.

I saw the pier form in the distance, and I rang the bell above my head waking the others and they rushed to where I was and Jake looked about and I took a deep breath as much as I wanted to honour my promise to Alma and protect these kids my baby brother was my priority.

"So everyone Rember the plan first we identify where Miss Peregrine is secondly we try to get in without being detected by the wights thirdly we split up Olive, Emma Jake, Hugh and Fiona you guys go in and cause some chaos and try and lead the Hollows out of wherever they are. thirdly, if or when the hollows come to us me, Claire, Horce, Millared,Bronwyn and Enoch will cover them in whatever we can to get them visible and after that we all go in to get Miss Peregrine and get back out of here."

is the last thing I say before we all disembark from the boat, I pray that my idea works and so it begins we walk down the pier following me and Jake's peculiarity's going against every natural survival instinct my stomach is in notes and my heart is racing I was shaking and it felt like I was going to have a panic attack at any point and eventually we stopped in front of a building I looked at Jake and Jake was just staring at the building his gaze hard and he looked at me and nodded we knew that this was where Alma was,

    "Olive, Emma, Jake, Hugh and Fiona this is your part cause as much chaos as possible get the hollows outside Claire, Horce, Millard, Bronwyn and Enoch come one we need to get back to the pier get buckets rocks anything you can think of to help get the hollows visible" 

we rushed back to the loop entrance grabbing buckets and paint filling the with snow and colouring it the girls decided to just throw the paint while the boys had decided they were going to throw rocks to get the cotton candy stalls to fall and fly onto the hollows. I had asked Enoch if there was anything he could do with the skeletons on the boat he let out a joyous cackle and rushed back onto the boat and the 5 minutes later rushed out and found me,

"Their Alive Y/n, what's the cue for me to call them?"

I thought for a second rushing through how I pictured this going.

"When I say call them Enoch that's your cue."

We all stood waiting on top of the loop entrance I focus my gaze on the horizon I spot Emma's bobbing towards us, and I see two wights rushing behind them,

"The hollows are on their way, get ready guys!" 

The girls pick up the coloured snow and the boys pick up the rocks I hear Jake shouting now now now and we begin to lob everything we've got at them, and I saw their silhouette start to form. and the red, white, green paint covered their bodies and cotton cady covered their "arms" and "legs" I yelled for Enoch to call his army and he whistled. The ship door burst opened, and the skeletons began to fight I smiled as I saw the black tar like blood cover the pier.  Emma yelled over that they had found Miss Peregrine and I call the others over and we all begin to run to black pool tower.

My heart was pounding with every step I took we were so close, and I was never going to let her go once I had her back. We stopped in front of where Alma was kept and I took a deep breath and pushed open the door looking about trying to focus on what I was sensing I felt my anxiety or peculiarness whatever it's called I don't really care right now.  We walk down some stairs and then we hear a knife scraping against the wall, we all stop.

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