Chapter ten: An explanation and a trip begins

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A/N: so sorry that this is late I honestly thought yesterday was Friday

Our Grandpa looks at us. 

Jake sighs and begins to stammer I look at him and then as Jake rubs his face in exasperation, I decide to do all the explaining,

"How much of Miss Peregrine do you remember" 

he looked at us and said that he remembers everything and asks up what we want to know I smile at him and ask him if he can just let us finish before speaking or asking questions and he nodded and so I took a deep breath and I began,

"Well for the first bit of explaining me and Jake are from a year in the future we are from 2018 and you were dead. You had been killed by a hollow and me and Jake went to wales to meet Miss Peregrine and I meet everyone, Fiona and Bronwyn are just the sweetest little girls in the world." 

I smiled reminiscing about the small time of perfection before Dr Golan appeared and then Jake said,

"But then our therapist who convinced mom and dad to let us go to wales was a wight himself and attacked the children's home and kidnapped Miss Peregrine but his hollow came to kill us and me and Y/N took charge saving everyone and we went to black pool."

Our grandpa opened and closed his mouth shaking his head trying to wrap his head around what we are telling him.

"And at Black pool me, Enoch, the twins, Bronwyn, Claire, Millard, Horace and Fiona all fought the Hollows on the pier fun land the girls threw coloured snow while the boys threw rocks hitting cotton6 candy stalls making the hollows visible and then Enoch called over his skeletons and they battled some more!"

Grandpa stared at us alarmed but also impressed Jake carried on from what I had explained and the told him how Emma stopped Golan from getting me and I looked for Miss Peregrine. I remembered the dead bodies and the smell and the sight I shook my head trying to clear the mental images swarming it Jake was the explaining how we told the difference between me and the real Golan and once we were finished explaining we looked at our grandpa who stared back at the ground, his face hard and emotionless.

He asked us what our peculiarities were and Jake smiled as he explained how he could see the hollows our grandpa looked up from the ground shocked,

"You have the sight?"

"The sight?"

"Yes tygrys the sight! the sight!"

Jake stared at him confused asking why he was so shocked as it made sense peculiarities can skip generations and he had the ability to see hollows so why it was shocking of him to have it our grandfather sighed and said how his peculiarity was stolen from him, we questioned him on it before he said how it was a long story and none the less a story for a different day. He asked me and I explained how I wasn't 100% sure but that i thought I could sense wights, he beamed at us so proud of his grandchildren,

"My little tygrys and mortyl all grown up and saving peculiardom."

I sighed hearing that word, it had been a week since we returned and yet my heart still ached for Alma I look down rembering our nigh time conversation I'm not the type of person to fall for someone so easily but I can't get her out of my head her blue eyes her heart-warming smiles the way she never actually judged me. I heard my grandpa talking and i zoned back in he was saying my name,

"Y/N, Y/N, I know that look you would go back into that life if given the chance, wouldn't you?"

I stared at him before taking a heavy sigh and replying in a heart beat Jake made a noise of an agreement and grandpa got out of his chair and went to a draw and pulled out a map we stared at him as he placed the map down in font of us saying,

"You two can this is a map of loops and where to go if you travel between them you can get back to the others." 

me and Jake retort how we don't even know where they are but our grandpa looks at us knowingly chuckling before saying,

"No but you know where they were!"

he hands us a lot of money so we can get to them. That night we both rushed home and packed a duffel bag hiding them under our beds we divided the money between us and also put in the duffel bags, we were sat on my bedroom floor as I explained where we need to go,

"Well the closest loop is in the California desert so we need to catch a plane there and once we enter that loop we need to catch a plane to Tokyo and enter that loop and that will lead us to the nearest loop in 1942 where we're going have to join the navy."

Jake interrupted me asking how I was going to get in the navy I smiled at him before explain that I'll have a trick up my sleave. That night we booked the flight from Florida to Cailfornia and we went to bed.

I woke up early to mentally prepare myself for the trip that is going take a lifetime I say a silent pray that this works I wake up Jake and we grab our duffel bags and say goodbye to our mom and dad and quickly stop bye to say goodbye to grandpa we both hug him tight before getting a taxi to the airport we get through security and sit in the terminal I look at Jake and smile he's going to be so happy in the loop with the others and so am I I'll be with Alma I don't care whether or not its as friends or more and I'll have Fiona and Bronwyn and I'll be able to help look after everyone  Jake looks at me and asks'

"I wonder if Miss Peregrine let Fiona keep that Chicken."

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