Chapter six: The beginning of the end

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A/n: I have no idea how old you usually are when you finish college in America so y/n is a drop out in this I would google it but I have no wifi also minor swearing

I try to keep my tears at bay we walk back to the priest hole Jake holds onto my arm as he was very worried for me we walk past a field as a farmer yells from his field,
"Oi you Americans over here!"
We both stop and walk over I go in front of Jake we look into the field and see dead sheep a lot of dead sheep
"Did you do this?"
The farmer asked I stare at him confused before replying,
"Us? God no, how and why would we do this?"
The farmer stared at us before sighing and gesturing us to leave we do so quickly. Jake starts to question why the kids are crazy and I begin to explain everything Enoch and Olive told me although I leave out the part about a hollow being in the loop each day as I don't want to scare him he stops in the road sighing angrily,
"Really y/n? It's not rotting!"
"It's a dead body!"
I say back confused by how calm he is and then I remember how I never mentioned the state of the corpse,
"You've seen it?"
I say back harshly
"Of course, I've seen it! We're here to learn about grandpa!"
"That's not learning about grandpa!"
I yell at him he scoffs and yells back,
"This was his world Hollows and danger was a part of his life, a part of our lives!"

Anger bubbles within me,
"But it's not a part of our life Jake! You are a 16-year-old kid who works at smart aid on the weekend and goes to school and therapy during the week! I am a 22-year-old college dropout who probably has some stress disorder to do with grandpa's death"
I yell at him,
"that is our life Jake, that. Not all this hollow, peculiar stuff and as your older sister it is my job to keep you safe and that place, fucking hell this place is not safe!"
He paces clearly angry at me for bringing up grandpa,
"Fine, it's not a part of your life. Your dumb and mundane life-"
I interrupt him,
"Dumb and mundane? It's your life too you crazy asshole!"
"Yes crazy, you're not a peculiar you hallucinate I'm sorry but like Dr Golan said we were in a traumatic situation and your subconscious took an image from a story!"
"You're dickhead! I am peculiar and I am staying here!"
Jake yells at me walking away I yell his name standing there for a minute before groaning angrily tears fill my eyes,
"Oh for god's sake, Jake wait I'm going with you!"
I run after him while knuckling at my eyes he shoots me a glare I shoot one back we begin to walk back towards the loop Jake storms in without hesitation.

I stay back frozen in place I begin to cry I'm scared to walk back in, I'm scared to go where I know the thing that killed my grandpa exists I cry because I just called my brother crazy and I cry as it hits me that I want to be in this world too! I lean against a rock shaking I cry and cry until I hear a voice, a man say,
"Oh my. Madam why on earth are you crying?"
I freeze my stomach is throbbing I look at this man I can't move I can't speak I can't even breathe he glances between me and the cave entrance I try to speak but nothing comes out I just open and close my mouth like a fish out of water he leans against a rock across from me I feel my knees go weak and buckle the wet grass pillowing my fall,
"You know if you have just worked out you're a peculiar don't worry it's not all that bad."
I take a small breath I feel as though I'm about to vomit,
He chuckles and nods I ask what his name is,
"Jhon Lemont pleasure to meet you, may I ask what your particularity is?"
"I'm y/n portman and I don't know what my peculiarity is, actually I don't even know if I have one."
He smiles and says how I'll work it out he rubs his eyes like something is irritating them I swallow and ask what his peculiarity is he chuckles and steps into the dark and then out steps Dr Golan
"Well, dear the breath of my peculiarity is that I can change myself, however, I see fit the only thing I can't change is my eyes."
She pulls out her contacts to reveal her true eye colour or lack of eye colour and in that moment it hits me.

It hits me what Grandpa's particularity was, what Jake's peculiarity is. What my peculiarity is,
"Oh my God, I could sense what you were!"
She walks out further to reveal what I can only believe is her true self or his true self. At some point, I stood up but then he grabs me and turns his arm into a knife and walks me through the loop I swallow against the sharp sparkling metal my heart was beating out of my chest.

We walk through the 1940s town as he begins to talk,
"I doubt you could sense what I was child,"
He outs on Dr Golan's voice
"When a traumatic event is experienced it is not uncommon for anxiety to be felt when around things or people associated with the event."
I tear up while I thought I was just anxious it was my body trying to warn me and my family and a complete monster was trying to get us to wales I see the house in the distance the sun is setting soon enough Jake's peculiarity will be entirely useless we approached the stairs I tripped and I felt a burn sensation on a part of my neck and then warmblood dripping slowly clearly just a nick I ring the doorbell and Alma opens it shock etched upon her features...

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