Chapter eleven: A bus trip and new friend

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Me and Jake are walking off the plane and we look about happy to know that we can't back out now. I get us some food and we sit down to eat I'm looking at taxis to the dessert I look for the cheapest one I can find and once we're finished eating, I book it a half an hour later it arrives and we get in and the cab and the driver asks,

"Where off too?" 

I simply told him if he could drive us down to the Californian desert, he turned to look at us and just nodded he began to drive I looked at Jake and then out the window at the endless sand there was nothing there, but it was oddly beautiful. I saw the gas station that had the loop entrance, and I asked the driver to stop at the station and then I paid him and we left we looked about before entering the loop entrance and we walked out and the time was 1980 I looked about in wonder as I saw all of my favourite retro fashion I saw all the stuff my dad said he use to wear and I honestly thought it was amazing I pulled Jake to the nearest bus stop and we got on I paid for the tickets and we sat down.

Don't talk to anyone I whispered into Jake's ear I looked at the bus its pale grey seats and spotty floor I saw women with the big, teased hair and neon colour earrings and plaid shirts and men with volumed hair and jean jackets I sighed wondering why men's styles had to change when you're in the correct time period it looks fabulous,

"Not like 2017 is it? huh angel." 

a woman with a southern accent whisper in my ear before I can make any kind of noise I feel myself be binded to the seat by unseeable ropes,

"Don't you dare scream, you or the brunette I'm like you, peculiar."  

I stay silent as she said her final sentence, she seemed a little scared if I was honest Jake whispers how they aren't looking for trouble at all and are just trying to cross loops to get back to some people, I turn too see a pretty woman with freckles and red hair with blue eyes,

I stay silent as she said her final sentence, she seemed a little scared if I was honest Jake whispers how they aren't looking for trouble at all and are just trying to cross loops to get back to some people, I turn too see a pretty woman with fre...

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she looks roughly 25 at a maximum 20 at a minimum she introduces herself,

"I am Madame Angela Thomas."

Me and Jake look at each other thinking who the hell this woman was and if we were meant to know her, she giggled slightly before saying,

"But you two can just call me Angie. Now where are you two peaches heading off too?" 

I smile at her before simply saying we're traveling to black pool she asks if its through the Tokyo loop because if so she knows a loop that's much closer and will take us much further into the past then Tokyo. I peer at her before questioning her on how far back it'll take us. Before she can answer Jake interrupts asking,

"Wait how did you know we're from 2017?" 

she smiles before explaining her peculiarities she has visons and is able to manipulate reality using her imagination,

"...It's how I conjured up those ropes I used on your sister button, but I'm what normals would call a clairvoyant and what the church would call a poor feeble woman possessed by the devil himself!" 

I nod and Angie cocks her eyebrows clearly impressed with herself and rightfully so I ask her to answer my question about the loop she smiles and tells me the loop takes you back to the year 1942 me look at each other excitedly and ask where the loop entrance is she gave us a sweet smile and told us to follow her when she gets off the bus stop in a day and a half. Me and Jake begin to whisper once Angela is asleep; we discuss whether or not she's trustworthy Jake says we shouldn't trust her but I say that I truly don't think she has any ill will Jake and me bicker for a little bit longer until Jake sighs and puts his hands up in surrender and says fine we'll go with her I make a comment about how we will have some time cut down he glares at me playfully.

The next morning Angie gets off the bus and so we follow we see her outfit and she's wearing a red dress with crystal necklaces and she's holding a satchel bag with a cowboy hat I look her up and down and ask her if she's from 2017 she shakes her head saying she was born in 1922 but when she was about 13 her 10 year old sister was sent to wales to live in a loop, while she got to live normally as her peculiarity was very subtle compared to her sisters. 

"Where we are and second of all where we are going?"

Angie nodded and told us we're heading to the desert falls country club but warns us its a long walk we don't really care because its saving us a hell of a lot of time and so we began to walk we walked about 12 miles in sweltering heat,

"So why ya'll heading to black pool in 1942 anyway." 

I shake my head and ask if she could explain how the hell she hasn't gone insane from being in different time periods and how she hasn't aged up at all. Angie smiles and explains how she would go through different loops she wouldn't go to the current time unless there was fresh loops which there was one in califionia and so she stayed there awhile before she decided to try and find her baby sister.  I nodded and then explained to her why we were going to black pool I kept it vuage but she got an understanding.

She stopped walking and clapped her hands together before announcing,

"Well you two here we are, the entrance is the snooker lounge so come one." 

we walked in found the snooker lounge and strolled in like be belonged there and once we exited we were back in 1942 a time period that felt rather homely.

A/N: I decided to add an OC, why? because I can and if you know the actress who I used as the face claim hats off too you

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