Chapter 13: Home

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A/n,:this is the final chapter thx for reading

With the boat making port me Angie and Jake all were stood waiting to be told we can leave and after ten minutes we were and once we stepped off the boat Angie took a deep breath and sighed joyfully,

"We're so close peaches we just need to get a train down to black pool and then we'll have found Alma and the others!"

I grab Jake's hand and rush towards a train station I spotted Angie follows behind us giggling I ask how much 3 tickets to black pool and we pay the price and go wait for the train half an hour later it rolls in and we jump to find a place to sit and we do I sit bouncing my leg excitedly and both Angie and Jake were grinning the train sets off and I watch the british countryside roll past I smile as I know how close I am to seeing Alma again. It feels like time is going slower then it ever has and I hate it I just want to get there I look at Angie and I see her looking at her locket she had taken it off and was holding it, the train bumped over something causing Angie to drop her necklace and it fell in front of my feet allowing me to see the photo inside

 It feels like time is going slower then it ever has and I hate it I just want to get there I look at Angie and I see her looking at her locket she had taken it off and was holding it, the train bumped over something causing Angie to drop her neck...

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It's Olive as a little girl I ask her why she has a photo of Olive she sighs and says that she's Olive's big sister and she simply wants to see her its been far too long since she last saw her Jake asks why their accent's are so different,

"Well sugar since Olive was so young when our parents sent her away she must of just developed a different accent to our family."

I look at her suddenly rembering Olive's full name Olive Abroholos Elephanta Angie told us that her name was Angela Thomas I decide to ask her about and she sighs and says,

"Abroholos Elephanta is my maiden name I took the last name Thomas when I got married to my dear husband Alfred Thomas he passed not too long ago. It's why I m off looking for my baby sister."

we express our condolences we all sit in a comfortable silence until the station comes into sight. I sit up straighter repeating,

"We're here guys we're here!"

All three of us begin to beam as we grab our stuff to leave we get off the train and I look about and say quickly that we just need to get a taxi to the beach and that we're be there. I hail a taxi and get in the man asks where to and I say black pool pier and we begin to drive I look about glancing everywhere like a little kid. Half an hour later we see the pier and once the taxi drives off I look and I see the boat and I begin to sprint towards the boat Angie and Jake follow all three of us running as fast as we can I begin to call out Alma's name as I run up the boat stairs and Jake runs past me to find Emma and there I see Alma stood by the captain cabins door staring at me. I rush forward to embrace her but she steps back shocked,

"Y/n what are you doing here? Who's that woman who ran on with you and Jake? How are you here?"

I look Alma I can tell she wants me here but is confused I smile and say that the women was called Madame Angela Thomas and that she was Olive's older sister Alma nods and hugs me I hug her back tightly sighing she pulls away looking at me she whispers quietly,

"Can I kiss you?"

smiling I nod pressing my lips to hers I smile into the kiss as she pulls me against her we break the kiss giggling Alma says,

"Y/n, I really really like you please stay with me in the loop."

I nod and kiss her again spinning her around this time we walk out to find the others seeing Jake and Emma hugging and Angela and Olive hugging tightly they were both crying. I heard 2 gasps from to little girls I turn and I'm jumped onto by Bronwyn and Fiona I hug the girls as tightly as I could. Later that day we were all sat around the table me and Alma on direct ends on it Jake and Emma sat next to each other smiling widely talking among themselves and the same with Angie and Olive I looked up at Alma smiling as everyone clears up I follow Alma who looks about before pressing a kiss to my lips I chuckle and she smiles I ralise that I'm just a little bit taller then her.

I press a kiss to her forehead and ask her,

"Alma I know this has most likely been implied but will you be my girlfriend?"

Alma chuckles pressing another kiss to my cheek before nodding and whispering in my ear,

"Fair bit of warning I'm very cuddly!"

she wraps her arms around my torso and rests her head against the crook of my neck I kiss the top of her head and go to put the children to bed I say good night to Jake and Emma, Enoch and Horace, Millard and the twins, Olive and Angie and Claire, Bronwyn and Fiona

"Goodnight Bronwyn."

I say tucking her in I turn to tuck in Fiona and I see a Aruban lump on her left side I peer at her before it clucks and I reliase its the chicken from before I tuck Fiona into bed and say goodnight before finding Alma's room and seeing her laying in bed reading. I lay down next to her my eye lids already feeling heavy I mutter a goodnight to her before falling asleep contently.

I fell asleep that night knowing everything was worth it. The pain of the last few nights. Being held at knife point, thinking I was crazy after my grandpa died but all of it was worth it. I had found my place in peculiardom.

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