Chapter twelve: A calm train trip

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I look around and sigh relived to of cut some of our time short. We just have to get a train so the coast and a boat the to the Uk and then another train. Angie is making her way to the bar and I follow her,

"Angie wait! are you coming with us or did you just want to be here?" 

Angela looks at me with a sweet smile and says that she'll come with us to England but she's heading to wales while we're heading to black pool I look at her sympathetically before whispering,
"Alma's loop got destroyed-"

I was going to continue my sentence before Angie gasped and asked how many were still alive I explained to her what happened in black pool and how everyone is still alive relief floods over the red haired woman and we all decide to find a hotel some where for the night we all share one room for cheapness and me and Jake are just exploring the draws seeing what's in them while Angie was looking on a map she brought mumbling to herself. An easy quietness falls over the room as we all prepare to go to bed but just before Angie tells us which train we all need to get I nod and turn to go to sleep.

The next morning all three of us are up early and leave the hotel to get the first train we need to get before a boat and another train, as we load on the luggage I ask Angie about other peculiars like her she asked me if I have seen the conjuring I nodded it was one of my favourite films she smiled and said that Lorrianne Warren was a peculiar and that so was her daughter. I turn to look at her with a wide smile I have always loved the paranormal so hearing something like that just makes it all better we settle down on the train as it begins to move the country side moving quickly I notice a beautiful locket around Angie's neck.

I ask her about and she avoids the question by simply saying that it's nothing I look away wondering why I've decided to trust this woman simply on the bases that she's A) peculiar B) not triggering my peculiarity I don't know anything about her a...

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I ask her about and she avoids the question by simply saying that it's nothing I look away wondering why I've decided to trust this woman simply on the bases that she's A) peculiar B) not triggering my peculiarity I don't know anything about her accept what she shows me and even then that's barely anything. I watch the world past by and I feel a weight on my shoulder and I see Jake leaning on my shoulder, I rest my cheek on the top of my head for a few seconds before turning to look a second time outside.

"Angie why do you want to go to Miss Peregrine's loop?"

She looked at us and stared for a second before simply saying how she knew someone from within the loop we tried to ask who but she just shook her head saying how we didn't need to know but we then sat in silence for a few hours not a negative silence but a comfortable silence I saw Angie look up fast towards the sky when we hear a seagull's call I looked out too because for an honest second I thought I the birds call was Alma, tears brimmed my eyes as I rembered the conversation we had that late night,

"Oh my, well thank you Miss Portman and I could say the same for you so if pretty women get their last names said I guess we're calling each other by our last names!"
I blush and smile and mumble thank you we both look at the time and walk upstairs Grandpa's old room is first me and Alma stand whispering for a little longer but so we can hear each other she stands close to me I study her face wanting to always remember the smile and the twinkle in her eyes but she leaves she whispers a final thank you,
"Thank you Y/n I haven't had a conversation like that in a long time it means a lot to me."

I reliased that I did actually care about Alma not in the way that I was just worried for a safety but in a way that was romantic in a way that my mother cared for my father in a way that really would of turned some heads in the 1940s I was in love with her. I saw that we were approaching the coast and that the sun was going down all three of us began to grab our stuff Angie said yawning,

"Well time to catch a boat, hope you too enjoy the open sea!"

All three of us were sat by the port until the ticket master came and asked for our tickets and we showed him and we then got onto the boat at this point we were all exhausted and so we all decided to turn in and go to bed I fell asleep an began to dream,

It was late at night and the music Alma played while reset was happening we were dancing my arms were around her waist and her arms were around my neck. We were swaying gently to the music there was a fire crackling in the back round with a Christmas tree by the window it wasn't a large grand one but it was a Christmas tree regardless. Stockings were hung over the fireplace all emboryed with their respective owners name, Alma had her head resting on my shoulder and she lifted to give me a smile and she whispered,

"I love our moments like this." 

I smile at her kissing her forward agreeing with her,

"I love you Alma."

Alma smiles and kisses me I kissed her back Alma deepened the kiss but it never went anyway as we returned to our simple swaying we were both smiling we heard a knock on the door and Alma went to open it. Bronwyn was on the otherside Alma qestuioned her and she replied saying both she and Fiona had a nightmare,

"Fiona really wants Mrs Peregrine and I don't mind who comes upstairs but Fiona really wants you." 

she said looking at me.

Angie woke me up saying we were here and that the boat was going to make port soon.

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