Trial in Wonderland

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Aoi's POV

I... Broke him...

Reita refuses to talk to me...he always does, anyway...
... But for him to block me out of his mind too by making it a blank slate and by refusing to look at me in the eye.

It hurts but it was my fault so I must deal with it...

But... How?

I've tried feeding him but he'll just turn his head away with a frown. He hasn't eaten a proper meal yet neither do he drink enough amount of water. I tried pleading him to drink at least a glass of water but he went on his silent treatment and pushed me away.

I was even furious to the point I just want to hit him but remembering what I've done that lead us to this situation... I just end up tightly clenching my fists at my sides. The way he looks at me with fear whenever my voice would tend to get a little bit louder makes me sad and hurt...

He wasn't supposed to fear me...
...he was supposed to love me.

I've decided that maybe, if I'll go out of sight, he'll try and eat the food I had prepared but he just laid down the couch and fall asleep.

I sighed as I stoop beside him and caress his cheek softly so I won't wake him up...

"Uruha..." He whimpered in his sleep. A few drops of tears was sliding down his cheeks and to my hand while I just remained staring...

... Feeling my heart shatter more.

But I ignored the pain as I shakily let out a breath. I let go of him and looked up, not wanting the tears to fall from my watering eyes.

Looking back at him curling himself into a small ball and whimpering more...

It just breaks my heart...

"What am I supposed to do to you... Reila?" I muttered as I sighed frustratedly and lightly punched the carpetted floor with my clenched fist. I've only realized the mistake when I looked back at Reita and saw him staring at me, confused.

"I mean, Reita... I'm sorry..." I immediately corrected with an awkward smile as I brushed away the moisture in my eyes with my hand but he just stared blankly at me.
"I've been spacing out you see..." I tried to laugh it off though it came out awkward and wrong. Hopefully, he just turned away and continued ignoring me. His eyes was void of emotion. He just sighed and laid down on the sofa.

Looking at him breaks my heart...

Reila... I was wrong with everything that I've had done with him, right?

I can't help it, though...
Just the thought of being able to fall in love again with someone made me desperate enough to do mindless things...

I thought... He'll learn to love me...

But I'm clueless with all this thing...
Reila didn't teach me how to make someone fall in love...

And so... I learned that love cannot be taught the worst way possible...

"I... I'm sorry Reita... for everything... Please... don't ruin yourself just because of an ass hole like me..." I tried to convince him as I placed a hand over his shoulder. I was going to cup my other hand to his cheek but he just shrugged me away and laid there with his back facing me.

I sighed and stood up to place the food on the table before I went to the window to calmly think about everything. Anything...

Just something that doesn't involve Reita right now...

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