A tea party without the tea

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( Uruha’s POV)        


The smell of decaying flesh lingers in the air and I didn’t like it one bit. I have no choice, though, since dead bodies lies everywhere I turn...


Me and Ruki was silently walking down the bloody hallway. Everywhere I looked at, there would be a rotting, bloody carcass littering the  once polished floor. I was glad that none of them no longer moves nor attacks anyone, though. I know that I shouldn’t trust those scattered dead bodies but I do think that they won’t move anymore. I’ve got a feeling that what had happened three days ago has something to do with the ‘Queen’ and his power to manipulate Alice. Plus, none of them moves anymore. They were all laying dead on the ground even though their brains weren’t busted. I’m certain that if this was a real zombie apocalypse there would stills be at least a few of those undead walking around and attacks living people. I knew that there were stronger patients in here that could bust their heads open with a flick of the hands but I don’t think that they would manage to just wipe this huge institution off of those undead that easily.


Anyway, I’m not aware of what Ruki was planning. He didn’t tell me anything. When I asked, he just ended up speaking non-sense and left me no choice but to just keep silent because I don’t want to end up more confused with his metaphorical ramblings. I could only follow after him without knowing where he leads me.

Only one thing is certain to me, though...

I will save Reita and I need Ruki’s help to do so...

So I must follow Ruki no matter what...

“Why are you so silent?” Ruki suddenly asked. I turned to him and saw that he was looking at me as we walked. I just shook my head, signalling ‘nothing’,  as he slowed down and walked beside me.

“Well... Are you just going to remain silent all through? Its going to be a long walk from this building to the mess hall...”

I didn’t say anything as he sighed. I knew that he wanted to start a conversation because it was boring but I’m just not in the mood. I’m scared and nervous. I don’t know what will happen in the future. I don’t even know if we will be able to stand a chance against the ‘queen’ neither do I know how Reita was doing. I wish that he wasn’t hurt and was doing fine. I don’t know what i’ll do if i’ll lose him. This thoughts has been bothering me so I don’t think I could just go and start a random chat with Ruki. I don’t want to be rude but I just can’t. Not when so much horrible possibilities was infesting my brain.

“I see...” Ruki just sighed, as if symphatizing... “I’am nervous as well... I don’t know if i’ll be able to save Reita or die before I could even attempt to do so... but I had to try, anyway... for him.” He said and I just nodded. “You were thinking about the same thing, right?” He asked me with a smile as I found myself smile too.

“I do...” I replied and we continued walking in silence.


We had finally reached the mess hall. I could hear noises from inside. More specifically, I could hear people speaking tauntingly and someone screaming. I don’t like the sound of it but Ruki’s supposedly ‘allies’ where in there. The screaming voice were familiar, though... I’m not sure but I knew that he was someone that I used know.

If Ruki would ask me, I’d rather not go inside. I don’t think that it was safe. Some patients here hates doctors like me and I do think that a massacre is happening inside. I’d rather stay outside since I do think that doctors aren’t probably invited to go inside...

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