Fool in tears

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*Reita’s POV*

I had just regained consciousness and I could feel my whole body screaming in pain due to Aoi's harsh beatings. I can’t even move without feeling pain striking me in places. My face still feels numb and bruised. Even my fingers refused to move. I could only groan and gasp in pain as I tried to roll in a much comfortable position on the cold floor. Tears rolled down my face in agony as I felt something poke my side from the inside. Probably, a broken rib bone pokes my lungs by now. I tried to open my swollen eyes as I swallowed thickly my saliva, that tastes like blood,and coughed. It was painful to move to my side and open my eyes but I managed to take a peak of him... of Aoi...

He was just watching me with uncaring, emotionless eyes as he sat by a chair...

He was just watching me as I squirm and writhe in pain as more tears roll down my cheeks.

He was just looking at me with eyes, void of emotion...

He was just watching my pain and agony... uninterested...

I felt so insulted.... I've never felt this insulted in my whole life...

I close my eyes again and coughed more, this time. I tried to swallow again to ease the dryness on my throat but it only irritated my throat, making me cough dryly and hurt my throat further instead. Coughing made my chest hurt and this much pain makes me prefer to die this instant. The pain in my chest worsen and I could taste blood on my tongue.

I could only whimper as pain swallowed me whole. Pretending there was no pain was difficult. Not when my whole body... inside or out... were bruised and wounded. I would be dead soon... I knew it...

I tried to ignore his footsteps that was fast approaching. I wonder if he was going  to beat me some more... Has he just taken  a short rest and was now going to beat me hard again? I hope that he’ll just rip my head off my body to end all of this already...

I coughed more and vomited blood this time. It was already difficult to breath. My chest hurts and I’m so dizzy. I tightly shut my eyes and anticipated a hit from him... a kick to the stomach or a punch to the face... but none came. Instead, there was a gentle caress on my swollen cheek that made me flinch a bit but leaned in to the warm, kind touch in the end.

“Have you learned your lesson?” He asked me as I nodded and let more tears fell as I painfully speak through split lips.

“Y-Yes... I l-learned it... forgive me... A-aoi... I’m sorry... Please... Forgive me...” I said apologetically... begging him to forgive me as he held my wrist... which seems to be broken too since it hurts as he tugged it up.

“Look at me when you speak!” He yelled as I nodded. My earbuds hurting due to the loudness as I forced my swollen, bruised eyes open... Well, I thought I was deaf already... hopefully, not...

“Smile at me... tell me that you love me. I want what you think to be the same as what you says...” He added in a very cold, emotionless and uncaring voice. I could only shiver in fear as I forced my self not to think about anything else but my false affection for him as I forced my split lips to smile and looked up to him affectionately.

“I...L-love you... Aoi...” I gasped, painfully uttering through split lips, swollen cheeks and laboured breath brought by the pain in my chest as he smiled back to me and nodded proudly with a smile.

“That’s right... Reita...I’m glad that you learned well.” He said as he brushed his finger over my bruises and wounds that made me flinch and squirm away from him. “ I love you too... Reita... always...”

He let my wrist go before he hooked his arms underneath my knees and nape and carried me in his arms. Pain shot up my spine as he carried me up. The pain on my side worsens and all I could do was sob as pain assulted me in every place. I heard him let out a breath as my sobs filled the air. He then carefully laid me down the sofa and patted my head before brushing away hair from my face and kissed my forehead, affectionately.

“I will treat your wounds... stay still. I know that this hurts...” He said as I bit my lip when he started to unbutton my tattered, bloody shirt and pushed it off my shoulder and arms. I stared at him as he carefully examined my bruises and wounds and heard him sigh as he saw the extent of my wounds. He had also traced a large bruise on my side, were it hurts so much. I let out a shaky breath as he lightly pressed on it and then, I heard him whisper ‘I’m stupid’ before he turned to me and looked at me in the eyes. I ignored what he had whispered and focused myself on the pain so that he won’t get pissed at me for thinking stupid things again .

“You’re in so much pain, aren’t you?...” He asked as I forced my self to a weak nod since my throat hurts so much for me to even speak. Now that I remembered, he does strangled me earlier. So hard, I knew that I had my windpipe damaged.  “I’ll heal you, then... ah... but this will be the worst pain you’ll ever be in. I hope that you’ll manage to live through this. I expect that much from my king...” He warned me as he placed a palm against my chest and smiled...

I don’t know what he was going to do... but his touch feels warm against my skin...

I could hear the rush of blood into his palm...

“Ready?” He asked as I stared at him in confusion... I could see blood leaking out of his hand... How?

What is he-

I could only scream in pain as wave after wave of pain succumb my body. It feels as if I was submerged in boiling water as his blood seeped into my skin. My insides burns and I could hear every squelch... every crack of bone as it all re-align. I could hear blood rushing to places... his blood mixing to my own... I could hear the faint beating of my own heart over my loud screams of pain. I couldn’t feel my tears rolling down my face because pain numbs my senses already. It hurts so much and I can’t even do anything about it...

“It hurts! It hurst! Stop it! PLEASE!” I screamed over and over again but nothing happened...

Pain still eat me, alive...

It won't stop torturing me... killing me...

“You can do it... Reita... I know you can..” I heard Aoi whisper as the hand he kept pressed against my chest pained me further...

What is his blood doing to me?


*Uruha’s POV*

It was dark... I can’t feel anything... no pain... none at all...

Yet, I know that I was still breathing...

I could feel something crawling beneath my flesh, though... but it doesn’t hurts... funny but it actually tickles... itch, even... It feels like bugs crawling on open wound...

Its... cold... so cold...

I can’t move... but I knew that I was alive... I could feel life speak to me through every beat of my heart...

But... how?

I was infected and I shot my self in the face... How can I be alive?

I probably am dead now... Somewhere between life and death, maybe...

I don’t know... but all I want was to hug Reita again... see him smile... keep him safe...

Bring him out of ‘wonderland’ and show him Aoi...

How can I come back to him? How can I protect him again?


Please... stop crying....

Tears... doesn’t suit you... you fool...



Uruha is alive~!

By the way...

Thank you for the comments and votes. m( _ _ )m

 I truly appreciate it ~!  It helps me to keep the ideas going.

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