Invitation from the hatter

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*Ruki's POV*

Uruha-san had been shouting loudly. Hopefully, he became tired and now, had fallen asleep. I knew how much he loves Reita. The way he had screamed his confession over and over again was a sign enough. I knew that waiting is annoying... boring, even.

"Well... why don't I start sending invitations now?" I told myself as I pulled up my hat and let out my little messengers. This fluttering little winged-hat creatures will deliver my message to potential allies and will keep their nasty mouths shut before enemies...

I whispered my instructions to them before letting them all go out the window. I knew that there were still a lot of alice users wondering around wonderland since wonderland is a deep rabbit hole and going out was difficult. So far, only the queen had managed to go out of the tall wall by cleverly stacking up corpses and used them as a stair. He was quite greedy cause he destroyed the corpse stair as soon as he had went back, though, not letting anyone else out. It puzzles me how he had managed to keep using his power near the walls that nulls alice but it wasn't my concern for now. Killing the queen is the first priority that we should be thinking about of and looking for allies is what I must do now.

"Everyone was invited to my mad tea party... ah~ but don't expect any tea from me..." I laughed as I looked out the window and watched the fullmoon. "Soon enough... I'll be able to save Reita and avenge the death of my love..." I smirked as I  looked down to the infected people on the ground... walking around aimlessly.

Only Alice users were alive within the walls as of now. All of them who was not was either dead already or is a walking corpse... save for Takashima-san that I had foolishly left alive...
Pathetic scientists brought this  upon themselves...
well, they are no longer my problem, now...
They could all rot in hell for all I care...

*Normal POV*

Reita hadn’t even realized that he had fallen asleep until when he had opened his eyes, he saw Aoi staring down at him with relief.
"I see that you are finally awaken!... does anything hurt or doesn't feel right?" Aoi asked and  kept on a happy smile as Reita shook his head and turned away with fear and disgust in his eyes. Aoi was hurt but he decided not to pay any attention to it.
"N-nothing... I felt better now..." Reita muttered as he eyed the hand that Aoi holds. He didn't dare pull away. He knew better than to make Aoi irritated and angry. Aoi noticed that Reita wasn't comfortable with him holding his hand so he decided to pull away and stood up.
"I was glad that you had survived...Are you hungry? I bet you are... Oh, by the way... I found this shirt. Put it on so you won't get cold." Aoi said handing Reita a familiar shirt that Uruha owns . He then walked towards a shelf and picked up a pack of bread and a carton of milk and handed it to Reita, who remained silent as he eyed the shirt. "Here, eat some..." He said as he patted Reita's head and sat beside him on the sofa. Reita took what was offered but didn't do anything other than stared at it and kept silent as he looked out to the window...

It was still dark... but sunrise would soon come. Reita thought that today was far more peaceful than yesterday when the havoc broke out. What had happened yesterday was still fresh in his mind and he could not help but shiver in fear as he remembered that the person who almost killed him was just sitting with him silently... watching his every move intently...

But then, remembering the voice he had heard last night made his heart wrench and sadness washed away his fears. He doesn’t know if he should believe the voice or not. He knows that it was Uruha’s voice but he can’t help thinking he was delusional at that moment. He had seen Uruha on the verge of dying and heard the gunshot that ended his life. He just can’t accept the fact it was true and delude himself with false hope. He had enough of it and he knows that he’ll be trapped in this rabbit hole forever... with this monster wearing a skin of a human beside him.

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