Why is the hatter mad?

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" Would you allow me to listen?" I asked Ruki and he just nodded, pushing away from my chest before he sneakily wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

"Well..." He sighed deeply, then suddenly broke into a creepy smile a while later.

I don't know why the sudden emotional change. I always knew that Ruki is bipolar but why smile like a psycho when you had been crying seconds ago? As expected with Ruki... He makes no sense.

The way he smiles was creepy too...

It helds so much innocence... and hidden pain...

"I guess... since I'm in the mood for a depressing story about a boy and his older brother..." He let out a deep breath, looking around to the rest of people left in the mess hall before he settled looking at me.

I could only guess that he was referring to himself and Reita. I only nod confusedly though. He is rather behaving odd and I don't find that amusing.

It is rather confusing...

"Sooo..." He drawled out with a childish grin as he sat back and crossed his legs, cautiously looking out for bloodstains before he looked back at me.

Uncertainty and new found lack of confidence could be seen in his usually proud self, making me realize that Ruki is indeed genuinely opening his self up to me. He is serious about telling about a part of him that has been hidden for so long.

A part of him that no one else, other than the records in the office, knows.

A thing he rarely shares to any one... Not even to his therapist nor even his longtime roommate, Takeru.

" Um... I don't really know where to start. I mean... well... fun stuff first or the sad stuff? I guess... the fun stuff first... Since it was more logically to start a story with fun and end it with the tragedy." He chuckled as if he had just said something funny but I didn't dare laugh along with him nor say something stupid. It'll surely ruin the moment and I don't want that to happen. Its not laughable, anyway, so why should I laugh?

Ruki has always been a mystery to everyone and Reita, knowing that his so called past was just a pigment of his imagination... makes me want to know more about these sibling's pass. It wasn't recorded and honestly, I had been digging for Reita's family information for way too long since I wanted to find his family but records were either destroyed or non-existent... Which was suspicious now that I remember.

All I knew was what Reita tells me and apparently, those were just an imaginary family he had created.

I can't even tell if his fascination with hollyhock flowers [aoi] was really because it was her mother's favorite or it was just something he thought of...

I can't really say and it confuses me a lot. Reita and I has been lovers for a year now and it appears that what I have known of him wasn't real...

I stared at Ruki's eyes as he stared back to me. His creepy smile disappeared and all that was left was a blank expression. Was he shutting himself off again? I hope not... I badly want to hear the truth now since it really intrigues me a lot.

"You see..." He started with a frown, " It all started when we were young. Reila is always away. Something about her working in a research lab or something. Yoma on the other hand is a geologist. You know... like Indiana Jones. He rarely goes home too. I can't even remember what they looks like anymore."

Ruki paused as if he was in a deep thought, trying to remember something. I assume, Yoma is his father and he was trying to remember how he looks like. Same goes for Reila, which was the mother.

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