The key and the door

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(Reita's POV)

I was walking down the hallway as carefully as I could. I don't want to bump with anyone and be seen. They aren't as kind as Dr. Takashima and i'm  sure that they'll hurt me.  I've also been trying to focus on the noise around me to know if anyone was near me...

I could hear someone walking just behind me... but every time I turns around...

There was no one...

I'm scared... whoever it was, I hoped that person will leave me alone...

I was already near Dr. Takashima's office when I was suddenly yanked back by an unknown force...

I can't see who it was but judging by the firm hold on my arm and over my mouth, I knew that it was a person. I tried to scream but I heard a voice telling me not to do so...

I could hear his breathing beside my ear ...
..and the frantic beating of his pulse as he speak...

"Stay silent... You don't want those zombies to see you, don't you?"

Zombies?... who is he referring to?

I thought for a minute on whom this person might be and who he is referring to as a 'zombie' when I suddenly heard a set of footsteps going towards our direction and then was followed by running steps and gurgling, moaning sounds. I panicked at the thought of being caught but then, something happened to me.... arms... my hands... it was disappearing...
...and my body too!
I struggled more and panicked. I want to scream but that person's hand is covering my mouth firmly. All I could manage was a whimper as I felt him hug me closer and whispered in my ears...

"I'm here to help you... keep silent and stay close to me. They won't see you if you'll do..." He told me and I simply limped into his hold as we watch people pass us by...
...there were a mob chasing one doctor and started... eating her...
What's happening? Why is this people eating her? I...
...right... this was what caused the commotions since earlier...
So this was what those pained screams and wailings had caused behind the walls?
I thought that people had just become crazy like us.... this was what happened and we'll be 'turned' next?
This has been the evil I had been feeling since earlier and it starts to reek in here too at a fast rate.
Was this what had infected Takashima-sensei too?

"I think... they are gone now..." He told me and when he let me go, I started to appear again...
...this is cooler than my power...
He got invisibility as his ability...
...I wonder who he is...
"You are Reita, right? You see, Dr. Takashima ordered me to take care of you since he thinks you're still a baby who needs to be nursed. Also... "
"Hey!I'm not a baby!" I immediately reacted to what he had said and he only snickered... then, I noticed that he starts to appear too.
"Well... whatever. I'm Takeru... I'm also a patient here which means I'm also crazy... anyway... We should head to his office now and hide there for a while... shit happens and people won't just stop killing each other. The queen is on a rampage too... he loves severing heads a lot..." He said, smiling at me and pulling me closer to him by his could he remain smiling while saying those things and...
I wonder who he was referring to as a 'queen' but whatever...
Royalties never concerned me...
"How am I supposed to know that you aren't lying?... Dr. Takashima said not to trust anyone. He should have told me to go to you if ever you were to be trusted...I'm thankful for earlier but you see, I prefer to go alone." I think I shouldn't have asked him that because he blankly stared at me and  pulled away from me... before roughly pushing me down.
"Because I told you to trust me? Are you really that stupid you fucking brat... You FUCKING SPOILED BRAT! You selfish shit! You plan on keeping all the supplies, and leave us all die, aren't you, you selfish asshole!" He yelled at me and all I could do was froze as he grabbed me by the collar... "Give me the key to Takashima's room!" He said and I shook my head.

I feel dizzy. The noise is killing me. I can't stand noise too much and here he goes, yelling at me. I hate it when people yells at me. I can hear properly, okay? All you have to do is speak normally or whisper or else, my eardrums would explode.

"Fucking give me!" He yelled at me and punched me , sending me to the floor crying. I sobbed and he knelt in front of me to forcibly search the key from me. I struggled and screamed at him... only to attract those zombies towards us...
"Fucking hurry you asshole!" He said, frantically searching my pockets as the zombies dashed to us. He managed to be invisible in time but I was left to be eaten by the mob of zombies. I firmly closed my eyes, anticipating harsh tugs and bites on my flesh only to feel nothing and hear them fall down the floor with a thud one by one. I'm still scared of opening my eyes so I remained cowering in fear...
Until I felt a light pat on my shoulder...
And I opened my eyes to see a raven haired man... I haven't met him before but he do wears the same uniform as me... I think he is familiar though....
...Who is he?
"You...aren't you the freaky noseband guy who was always with Dr. Takashima? Are you alright? Takeru has left already so he won't bother you now... Its dangerous to wander around. You should stay in your room..." He said and I wonder  who he is and why he had saved me when everyone is supposed to be lying and cruel to me.
"I'm not a freaky noseband guy. My name is Reita... You?" I said and he looked at me puzzled before shaking his head no...
"I don't know... you see... all my life, I've been placed in this white room . The only connection I have in the outside world were the memories that I can see through people's eyes. I saw your memories the moment our eyes met so I knew who you are..."
"Oh... so that's the ability you have..." I said, looking around only to be greeted by a grotesque scene... Corpses with severed head littered the once clean hallway. I retched at the scene but managed to hold it in and turned away. I, after all, were only a few steps away from Dr. Takashima's office...
Anyway... if his ability were memory reading... how did he managed to kill everyone like this? Severing their heads swiftly and causing this mess...
Am I supposed to trust him?
"Ah! Dr. Takashima's office is surely safe. The door nullifies 'Alice' so its safe from attacks and from those zombies. You should be careful though... everyone wants to get in there for the supplies so they'll try stealing the key from you ..."
"How about you? Are you going to steal it from me too? I'm sure that you are strong. You could easily kill me like this zombies..." I asked and he simply smiled at me...
"I prefer to be outside... I'd been locked out ever since... I love my freedom now...Though I'll appreciate it if you won't let me starve..."
"Share supplies with you... is that what you means?"
"If you'll only be generous enough anyway, I'll be fine. I can always go outside..."
"You've been outside?!" I exclaimed and he nodded. "I want to go outside!"
I exclaimed and he laughed at me ... patting my shoulder mockingly...
"Don't be silly Reita... you don't have enough courage to severe a walking corpse's head..." He told me seriously before smiling again " Why won't you go inside now? its safer in there...." He said and I cautiously stared at him for a second before taking the key I had kept in my necklace chain and opened the door. He just watched me and I'm scared..  will he do something cruel?

"I lied..." I heard him speak but it was too late already...

My question was answered when he had pushed me inside, took the key and locked us inside...
I'm scared... he looks at me as if he wants to devour me...

I shouldn't have opened the doorwith the keyyet...

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