Memories of a lonely queen

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*Flash back – Aoi’s POV*

When I was born...
I had no mother... nor a father...
I have no one to consider my family....
All I have was this white room... and Reila...


I had no idea how I came to life...

But I have the knowledge and body of a grown man...

I wasn’t born normally into this world... and I was not the same as any humankind...

But she treated me like a normal person...

Looked into my eyes with out any fear...

Just the twinkle of hope of me trusting her...

Reila is a beautiful woman...
She has long bleach blonde hair and fair white skin...
She has pretty grey orbs that seems to be always sad and gloomy despite her sweet smile...

She was the only one who really cared for me...
She was what I could call my family...
My first love...

She was smart and cheerful...
She always makes me happy and teaches me things about the world that I should learn of...

She taught me how to read and write... to speak and to express...
She was the only scientist who holds me dear and softly...
She doesn't hurts me nor cuts me open for any sick experiment...
She treats me like a real family...

I love her so much...

But she loves someone else already...

Her own family...

But still... I love her no matter what...

But they took her away...
And I... have never seen her ever again...

They couldn't lie that long to me though....
I knew that they had murdered her...
...and her family....
Her husband... and two sons...
My poor Reila died all because she had been so close to me...

Just because she wanted me to have a normal life...

Many years had passed...
I was locked down in this white room...

Because they were afraid of my powers and what I could do with it after I had become aware of it...

My powers had been nullified...
...or so they...thought...


From what I had known from those scientists, they were creating other people like me...

Injecting a substance called ‘Alice’ into their system and makes them have the same ability as me...

But they knew that none of them could defeat me because I was born with ‘Alice’ within me...


I myself doesn’t knew what ‘Alice’ really was but as her son, only I could fully manipulate my mother’s gift...


My revenge would soon come and they knew it...
And they had been trying so hard to stop me...


But they had nothing against me...

Even ‘Alice’ was their enemy...


That’s why, I used ‘Alice’ against them...

I made it so Alice would kill every human being in this world...

Manipulating Alice at my will to destroy everyone...

Though... some of them remained to live...

Those who thought that they were in the same level as me...


My rage for her death always remains...

And this was my revenge...
I'll never forget how they ruined her lovely life that I had always envied...

A life that I had always wanted....

That’s why... I won’t stop killing everyone...


Off with their heads...
Let their blood and insides cover the walls and the floor...
Let them paint this world of white red....
Like roses.... beautiful roses for my love...

I felt great... so much great...
Every time a pained scream echoes to my ears...
Every time blood spills...
My revenge is being fulfilled....

... I'm certain that Reila was watching me... was happy for me...

And then....
I saw him...
Cowering in fear as he sat on the ground...

My anger suddenly subsided and calm embraced me...

He... looks... just like her....


At that moment... my heart decided for me ...

I... want him...

I want to love him...

Just like how I loved Reila... it says...

That’s why...

I saved him... I tricked him....
I want to keep him forever with me....
Protect him from harm...
Do what I haven't done for Reila to him ...

Tell to him instead my confessions of love....

And soon, I learned...


I fell in love all over again...

I knew it because I felt the same joy and happiness in my heart that I used to feel when I was with Reila...
I ... love him...
But he fears me...
Hates me...
He has someone else whom he loves....
A man he could never forget...

So all I could do was let him feel all the pain I had been feeling...

In hopes that he would understand me and love me too...
But all he could feel was physical pain...
Not the same hurt I feels in my heart...

I guess ...I'll just hurt him till he learn how to love me....


Why can't any of you love me the same way I do ?


A/N: The photo shows how Aoi was born. He can't tell how he was born himself because he has been sleeping on those cylinders until he had grown artificially into a man. Alice's origin is unknown but Aoi is the only one who has the same genetic make-up as 'it'.  

Anyway, this chapter is all about Aoi and his life inside Wonderland.

Happy NEW YEAR everyone~!!!!!!!!!!!

~Kim-chan <3

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