"I want to go out of the rabit hole"

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I want to go outside...

I sighed as I stared at the sky from the window of my room. I always feel lonely inside this stark white room. I want to go outside and find aoi. I can't do that though. The doctor told me that I must be healed . I don't feel sick, though. But he said I am and I believe him because he is a doctor and I love him.

The only thing I could do inside my room was to stare at the sky. Sometimes, it makes me happy... sometimes, it makes me sad. I'm not complaining,though. Since the sky was the only thing that reminds me of the world outside the wall. Its funny how I feels like a person trapped in a deep rabbit hole with no choice other than to stare at the sky but some how, I understands that the sky was my only connection to the world that I had been separated from long time ago...

How long was it exactly? Has it been two years? Oh... its going to be three years soon since I had been brought to an asylum after telling my parents that I could hear voices telling me to kill myself. They won't believe me even after I had shown them the wounds that the voices had inflicted in me. They abandoned me instead... left me all by myself.... told me that I was crazy and I need help...

I haven't heard anything from them since two years ago...

I wonder why...

Well... I don't really care...

I told myself as I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

The voices stopped talking to me ever since the day was brought in to 'that' white room where the doctor injected a vial of grey liquid into my vein. I thought I was already healed but the doctor said I have to be observed... I wonder till how long ...

anyway...the voices did disappeared but something weirder started happening to me...

the doctor told me that it was fine... but I know that it was weird... and people might find me crazy if I were to tell them that...


...that... I can hear everything ...

Even the beating of your heart... I can hear it loudly...

Everything is loud and clear for me...

I can hear ... even the faint pulse of blood in your vein...

And this was driving me crazier... because I can't stand the noise...

it makes my head hurt...

Maybe... I was still sick...

"I want to get healed... I want to see aoi...I want to go out..." I sobbed through my pillow, covering my ears pathetically but it did little to my situation...

I can still hear people's scream outside the wall...

I can still hear children crying and people dying...

It was so horrible...

I don't want to hear more sufferings...

It was all a lie...

We won't be able to go outside anymore...

We aren't going to get healed...

We'll all die here...

"lie...lie...lie...!" I screamed, hitting my fists against the sheets when suddenly, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me for a hug...

"Reita...its going to be okay... don't hurt yourself..." That familiar voice... this soft beating of his heart... this calming warmth surrounding me...

I can't help but cry...and let all of my emotions out...

he is the only one whom I could trust in this place...

"Dr. Takashima...I'm scared... outside... I can hear it... people are dying and was killing each other... I'm scared...I'm really scared... death will reek inside the wall soon... I don't want to die ... I still... I still haven't seen aoi..."

"shh... its going to be fine Reita... don't be scared... I'll be here for y-ack!" Dr. Takashima started coughing harshly. I felt scared because he is coughing blood and his nose started bleeding. I don't know what to do to help him.

"Dr. Takashima! Are you okay? Please ... you aren't going to leave me ...aren't you?" I started sobbing as he smiled to me only to cough harshly again... "I need you... sensei..."

"I'm sorry... Re-ack!" he started to cough violently again and all I could I could do was beg... for him not to leave me...

"Sensei..." I said holding his hand tightly for support...

"Reita... its dangerous for you to go outside and be seen by others... always be safe...you know my office, right? I kept supplies and weapons there for you... hide there till its safe... I won't last long... the virus seems to be air borne... it'll kill me soon. Don't lose heart though... you have to be strong. I ... I ..." Dr. Takashima leaned to peck my lips and smiled "I love you...it'll be difficult to go on your own but do your best,ne? Don't trust anyone...they aren't like you. You are pure whilst their hearts are malicious..."

"Sensei... I love you too... please... don't..." I begged but he only shook his head and let go of my hand after slipping the keys into my palm.

"Go now... Reita ... I don't want you to see me die..."

"b-but! sensei!" I sobbed more but he only shook his head and yelled at me.

"GO!" he said and I cried as I turned back and left...

I'm not smart like Dr. Takashima...

I don't know what was happening or why people dies...

I don't even know what to do now that I won't have him by my side anymore...

I don't know what to do with my self...

I'm scared and the noise is killing me inside...

I just want to live... go outside and find aoi...

For Takashima-sensei... I'll do my best to survive...

...because I love him... I'll live for him...

I'll go outside this rabbit hole...


I don't want Reita to see me die and turn into a horrible monster. I don't want him to see me live again as a zombie who eats other people...

...that's why...

Pulling the gun on my pocket... a pressed it against my temple...

"He should be far enough to hear me die by now..."

I told myself as I try to go over his features once again...

I hate it...

I don't want to see him cry like that...

It wasn't the last picture I've wanted to see before I die...

"I'm sorry... Reita..."


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