Advice to the hare

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*Uruha’s POV*

 I don’t know what to do to save Reita. All I have was a gun with five more bullets left. Ruki won’t cooperate and accompany me in saving Reita. He told me ‘not yet’ but I can’t wait anymore so I tried to go on my own to where Reita is but the moment I’ll go as far as six meter from Ruki, I’ll have a head splitting headache. It feels as if my head is being cracked open and my sight blurs in sheer pain. I have no choice but to go back to Ruki and stay near him in the end. He told me that if I’ll attempt to do more, he’ll have no choice but to let me go and die. I had also checked the clock marking on my chest because it hurts everytime I goes far from him. Nothing happens to it but damn, it burns, when I goes away from him. If I’ll save Reita, I have to be near Ruki or else I’ll die. Its the same as being a dog leashed to his owner. I hate this. Why can’t I just go and save my love from that horrible, dangerous monster?

How could I save Reita if we were to stay in his room all day?


Plus... zombies were just roaming around... What if they had managed to break into my office and kill Reita? Or what if Reita had managed to escape and he was cornered by a mob of flesh eating walking corpse?

I can’t just sit around and wait for any of  that to happen...

I could only sigh for the hundredth time as I frustratedly laid my head on my palms and closed my eyes...

I’m so tired of thinking about ways to kill ‘The Queen’...

I can’t wait to actually kill him and re-unite with Reita... let him know that I’m alive and I’ll fulfill his wish of seeing Aoi soon...

“Damn it...” I groaned as I took hold of my gun again and massaged my temples. I’m so damn frustrated and annoyed that my head aches already.

Ruki sighed too, this time, and stared at me, annoyed. Then, he speak exasperatedly.

“I knew that you were worried but we have to find allies first... strong allies that could aid us in our fight and dethrone the Queen. He is the strongest... it was a given that we’ll die if we will attack, un-prepared...That guy is unstable and I know that you worries about him being with Reita because he might like Reita for now but lose interest later... and that was possible considering the fact he was murderous and deranged. Also, zombies were just roaming around... they won’t stand a chance against us but if they’ll attack in mobs.. we will be dead. Who knows if they were already the Queen’s minions??...He can control them, remember?” Ruki said as he adjusted his top hat over his head and looked away to the window.

“I’m worried about Reita too and I want to save him as soon as possible but I don’t have the power to defeat the Queen yet...”

“How can we find allies if we will just stay around here, all day, then? We have to get out at least and find them... convince to them... not sit around here all day...” I argued as he just sighed, closed his eyes as if he was tired of my arguments already.

“Yell... call for Reita or something and tell him that you were alive and will save him but we can’t go to him yet. He has a sharp hearing, right? That’s the least you could do. Let him know you were alive and you will save him so he’ll know that he have to stay alive for us to be able to rescue him. Maybe, you could stop worrying then...” He adviced me to do and I thought that indeed, he has a point. If Reita was somewhere around... he’ll hear me... He’ll know that I’m going to save him and he have to wait for me...

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