Butterfly kisses

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*Normal POV*                  

"Lets head out..." Ruki said as Uruha looked at him, puzzled.
"H-Head out? But I thought... it was dangerous?" Uruha said. Ruki only smirked at him teasingly as Uruha frowned, confused.
"I thought that you want to save Reita... we're saving him now... What? Are you getting scared?" 
"S-Scared?!... No! Of course not... SO..." he looked to Ruki's eyes and questioningly stared at him, "Have you... found allies? You won't be this affront if you were on your own..." 
"We'll determine that soon in my tea party..."
"Tea party? Are you craz-"
"Don't you even dare continuing that sentence! I had warned you, didn't I?" Ruki yelled and glared at Uruha as Uruha nodded and nervously swallowed.
"S-sorry..." Uruha apologetically bowed his headas Ruki smile, triumphantly.
"You seems to be stuttering alot... its funny..." Ruki laughed as he went to the door, his anger dissipated as fast as it had come. Uruha dismissed it too and stood behind Ruki...

"It has been smelling funny around here since yesterday... You might want to cover your nose... " Ruki announced as they stood before the door.

Uruha nodded as he covered his nose. Ruki was right, it has been smelling weird since last night as if dead rats was scattered around. Now that he remembered, Ruki had placed a seal before the door to make any walking corpse that passes by to rot quickly. He expects piles of rotten flesh and swarming flies to greet him once the door opens based on the roting smell...

"Ready?" Ruki asked as he grasped the door knob tightly, waiting for  Uruha's approval. Uruha nodded his reply as he too covered his nose with his hand.

Then... Ruki pushed the door open and indeed, swarming flies and rotten flesh greeted them...

"Gross." Ruki commented smugly as he made his way out of the room and pass the rotting flesh while Uruha followed after.
When they had gone pass the bloody mess, Uruha took a deep breath before he asked Ruki a question.
"What is this party you were talking about and... where is it gonna be held?" Uruha asked curiously. Ruki stopped walking and grasped his pocket watch on his right hand, staring at its time that had stopped at 3:30 before he turned to Uruha and snickered.
"Who knows?..." He then walked ahead of Uruha as Uruha followed,  " It doesn't matter where or when its gonna be held... What matters is how it will start and end...Just follow me... I'll lead you to the tea party..."
Uruha didn't say anything anymore for he couldn't quite grasps what Ruki means. Sometimes, Ruki would just spout nonsense that would only confuse Uruha even more than answer his question. He knows better than to listen to Ruki's random ramblings.
Aoi doesn't know what to do. He had lost his temper again and made Reita upset. Now, Reita refused to eat and just sob on one corner. If he'll try to approach him, Reita would only squirm away and avoid him like plague. Reita hate him so much that he even refused to look at him in the eye when he forces him to look at him. He'll only tightly shut his eyes and sob more and would only stop if Aoi will let go.

Aoi tried everything... but it seems that the only way for Reita to become happy again was if he will let him go...
...which will Aoi never allow him to do...

"It'll be easier for you if you'll just learn to love me..." He said as he tried to hold Reita's hand... only to have Reita backing away, shaking his head 'no' in utter refusal. It hurts Aoi. Aoi could only pull his hand away, sadly, and sat beside Reita with an annoyed smirk.

"No... kill me now... I'll only love Takashima-san no matter what! I’d rather die than be with you forever!" Reita yelled, defiantly, as Aoi snickered and sighed.

"Lets see how far your refusal would take you..." Aoi forcefully grabbed Reita's wrists and pinned him down on the floor. Leaning his face closer to Reita, he tried to steal another kiss but Reita turned away in time...

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