The hatter who killed the hare's time

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*Normal POV*

Being subconscious that he was, Uruha just laid lifelessly on the cold floor inside Reita’s room. He still doesn’t believe in his subconscious state that he was already quite alive though he could already feel life slowly coming back to him. Unknown to him, a young man wearing a top hat and was holding a pocket watch on his right hand was just observing him... waiting for him to fully resurrect and gain consciousness.

The young man sat close to Uruha’s resurrecting corpse, watching carefully as the bust that the bullet had made on his head closed up without a scar while the blood that pools around him seeped back into the wound before it fully closed. He smiled triumphantly as he could see that the doctor’s complexion and breathing pace becomes normal. He is good as new and he can’t wait to see the doctor awake... but he till have one thing to do...

Now that he had brought back Uruha’s physical time to when he was still not infected by ‘Alice’ and haven’t shot himself in the face with a gun, he’ll have to stop his time so he’ll be able to live again... or else, his physical time would progress again and his death would once again, take place.

The young man placed the pocket watch on his right hand over Uruha’s chest and watched the clock hands's rapidly move before he placed his other hand over it and made it glow. The pocket watch emitted light and the light formed into a clock image before it went through Uruha’s clothes and settled there. The light disappeared as the young man sighed tiredly whilst Uruha gapsed  deeply as if, he had just breathed his first breath then, his eyes slowly flickered open and he stared at the young man who saved his life, confusedly. Placing a hand over his chest after the young man pulled his own hand away, he swiftly unbuttoned his shirt and looked at the clock tattoo that still stings.

“W-what is this?... Where is Reita?” Uruha asked, confused, as he stared at the young man and waited for a reply. The young man only brought back Uruha’s physical time but his memory was intact on its rigthful timeline so Uruha’s memory were of those when he had made Reita go and shot himself. Uruha checked his head for any wound and when he felt none, he became more confused. There wasn’t any pool of blood nor a bullet slug dug deep into his skull. He was so confused as to why he was still alive.

“H-how did I...? I shot myself!... Why...?” He looked up to the young man who just stared at him with pale white eyes without any sign of emotion nor expression.

“Aren’t you Ruki? I thought... Where is Reita?! I have to find him!” He exclaimed as he was about to stood up but Ruki pulled him back down by the wrist to sat in front of him and stared at him, intensely this time...

“You had just been resurrected... quit fooling around, will you?... let me take a breath for a while.” He said as Uruha finally noticed that Ruki was indeed tired looking.

“Did you... do this?” Uruha asked as he gestured to the clock tattoo on his chest.

Ruki nodded and then, grinned at him madly... a cheek to cheek smile that made Uruha shudder and question Ruki’s sanity... which was probably, unstable...


“I killed your time... right before the moment you would have been infected and die. Now... you could claim to be immortal. Nothing could kill you anymore so long as I lives. My life is now yours too and you have to keep our connection and stay within the six meter radius or else... the time that I had crippled will move forward again... advancing you to your death...” Ruki said proudly, his grin wider, as Uruha looked at him in shock.

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