1:new kid

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Gregory POV:

I woke up to find a ___ ft animatronic bear standing before me. "F-FREDDY WHAT THE HELL!? YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT'TA ME!" I yelled. "Gregory we do not use that language!" "Okay okay now why did you wake me up??? " Vanessa says to get ready" "for-" glamrock freddy then walks out of the room. Okay then. I get out of bed and walk into my closet. Is this some kind of joke? Why is there a skirt in my closet. There's a note.. "Gregory please wear this -vannesa. Um well that..No real men don't wear skirts. Oh there's another one under it. I put it on and headed off to find Vanessa.

"Aww now don't you look cute Gregory!" Vanessa greeted me. "Now get in the car I have a surprise." "What is it?" I questioned. "You'll see~"

"And 1,2,1234 positions a and v switch."
My teacher called. "POSITIONS A AND V SWITCH" "Oh my bad" My sister called as she switched places with our not really cousin charlie. "And from the beginning" my teacher walked over to the entrance door and started talking. No Evan don't pay attention focus um 1,2,1,2,3,4 we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and repeat. "Gather round students!" my teacher announced.

"Now we have a new student please introduce yourself" "The hell is this shit-" said a boy with light brown hair like mine. "Ehm introduce yourself" my teacher said a little irritated. "Not until I know what this is" "welcome to ballet class of the Vance history family." "First off that's a long ass name for a class and second off BALLET?" "Yes now do it today and if you don't like it then you don't have too" Vanessa stepped in. "This is bull shit" "I don't want to here it" Vanessa then leaves."

"Okay now everyone introduce yourself." Okay Ms.katrinaviv is back to her happy self. But this new kid he could get me in trouble I shouldn't hang out with him. "Introduce yourself now." "This is stupid. I'm Gregory I'm 12 and I think your all anoying." I rolled my eyes unknowingly. "You got a problem." He asked me. "I-i-i no I'm um." I stuttered. What a jerk..

"Okay everyone knows there partners so Evan I'm gonna need you to help Gregory catch up" oh no I I can't help this guy.. HES WALKING TOWARDS ME-.

Continues on next chapter

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now