9:The date <3

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Gregory POV:

I was sitting in bed all day thinking about what ev said. Maybe I was too harsh. I mean I don't think I like him? But. I mean he's kinda adorable hes so sweet I just wanna pull him in close and call him mine and. Wait. I do like him. OH NO I.

"Gregory!" Vannesa calls as she and Roxanne come into my room.

"Jeez vannesa knock first!"

"Sorry sorry. So how's the ballet class."

"You take ballet? What a loser!"

"Shut up roxy you foxy wanna be."


"Um ballet was cool Ig. I made some friends."

"Oh my they have to see the pizza plex!"

"They snuck in once."

"How did you know that roxy?"

"I saw them. One you seemed particularly close with."

"Ooo Gregory do you got a girlfriend??"




"OKAY OKAY! Crush?"

"..maybe I don't know. Wheres Freddy?" I ask.

"He's charging."

"Well send him over here later please."

With that they leave the room clearly seeing I don't wanna talk. I open up my phone to see how evs doing. I think I'll change his name

You change name to Evan❤️

You: Hey ev!!!


You: I Um I missed um. Hey do you. When do you wanna do that date?

Evan❤️: well I'm still grounded so we can do it but in the night. Maybe like 1-3am bc my dad wakes up early.

You: alright! How bout tonight?

Evan❤️: it's perfect! <3. Oh I gtg!

Gregory:ttyl love
ˢᵉᵉⁿ ᵃᵗ 10ᵃᵐ.

He's so amazing ISTG. He's probably so embarrassed by what I said about me not liking him. Wait a minute maybe he likes me too?

I awake out of my trance to the loud footsteps shaking Freddy's room.


"Jeez Freddy way to talk in all caps."


"Come here"

"WHAT DO YOU need Gregory? Gregory I need my loud speaker to preform!"

"Yeah whatever remind me later and I'll give it too you."

I hug Freddy randomly. Hes like a father to me I just need him to comfort me. He hugged me back and we just stood there.

"Father I think I like boys.im sorry"

"Why are you sorry Gregory?"

"Well because I should like girls right?"

"Gregory it's okay to be gay."

Evan said the same thing.

"Thanks dad!"

"Your all good Gregory."

--------TIME skip the date 1am

I await patiently for Evan to arrive.

"Hey Gregory!"

"Hey Evan"

"So um how are you?" He asks akwardly.

"Im doing fine you?"


"Hey ev I just wanna apologize to you. I guess I was just insecure of my feelings."

"So you are gay?"


"It's alright! We can go to pride parades together!"

"Are you gay?"

"Oh I'm pan!"

"You like frying pans?"

"NO! I like peaple on their personalty not there gender or there looks."

"Oh okay."

I bet he doesn't like me. I have a shitty personality.

"So um do you have any food? Sorry I'm just really hungry."

"Of course ev follow me."

I grab his hand and lead him through the pizzaplex towards the kitchen. Trying to not let anyone see him. then I see her. Vanny. But I thought I saved her!

[In my au vanny and vannesa r the same person]


"What's wrong Greg?"

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course!"

"Don't tell anyone."

"I won't."

I then explain everything. Freddy, vanny, being homeless , killer animatronics.

"YOUR SO DAMN LUCKY!" he yells catching me off gaurd.


"Sorry my bad. I don't mean to. But why what happened who what why did u say shit?"

"Because I saw her."

"Oh vanny... VANNY?! I'll be back where's the warshroom?"

"It's up the stairs to the left. Here let me take you!but you knew who vanny was earlier.. how?"

"I'll be right back it's fine!"


"I'll be back."

Evan POV.

I rush to a corner. Then I see her. I run over and yell her name.


"No I'm Evan."

"Who? Wait your boss's son right? What are you doing here?"

"Just stay away from Gregory."

"Or what. What are you his little boyfriend?"

"If you even go near him I'll eat you Alive."

"Hah as if- EHAT THE SKSIIWJEWJ." She yells as I bite her.



"OH I see. You wouldn't want Gregory to know ur dead right?"

"... I'll fuckin destroy you." I tell her before heading back to Gregory.
Yay it's done same day too 💪💪 anyway um yeah so it's alot of duologue today ^^

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now