5: the Sleepover

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Evan POV

"Are you all packed Evan?" Micheal asks me. "Yep!" I smile. "Okay what about you Beth?" "I'm good." She smiles. "Okay if anything goes wrong call me.. if I don't awnser after calling me 3 times ask William." He shuttered at his name. "Also hengry will be there for a bit to drop of Charlie I assume" "Bye Mike!" Me and Eli wave him a dew.

Time skip [ Freddy Fazbear pizzeria 6pm]
"OKAY GUYS EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE PERFECT!" Gabriel yells as I walk in. "Oh hey van, and Eli! "Oh so you guys got nicknames now" Susie smirks. "Um we allways had nicknames for each other." "Well you don't have nicknames for us, except Cassidy." "Well I can't think of any for you guys." "For example Jeremy what am I supposed to call you jer, jere, emy, j. See there's nothing" Gabriel responded for me. "Fine" Susie sighed.

"Okay guys I'm out of time on earth,  stay out of trouble okay." Uncle hengry said. We all said our goodbyes and he returned to hell. "Now that he's gone I heard they built a "mega pizzaplex or some shit above us!" Jeremy giggled. "You heard what my dad said stay out of trouble!" "I agree with Charlie, it could be dangerous.." Cassidy replied. "Fine we will leave without you." Jeremy said. "Now who's with me??" "I think I'll go. I love adventures!" Susie agreed. "Arg matey I think me will go explore ye treasures!" Fritz replied. " "I-Ill go.." I replied. "I'll go too then" Gabe said. "YOU KNOW IM IN!" Eli exclaims. "Fine we will go."

"Alright everyone put on your disks!" Loud groans echo across the room. Gabriel leads the way followed by me, Jeremy, fritz, Cassidy, Susie ,Charlie, then Elizabeth. Gabriel is helping me because he thinks I can't do anything because of my head damage which causes me to forget things. Then Jeremy is helping fritz because of his brain damage he has the mental capacity of a 5 year old.

We all climb up the stairs and find that it's just a big trash can, full of garbage. When we were about to head back fritz spots some stairs. We thought he was delusional because he is , but Cassidy and Gabriel saw it too. We head up again a set of stairs and find a mall arcade type thing.

"WOAH CHEAK THIS PLACE OUT" Jeremy yelled. "I checked the web and it said that it should be closed rn." Chalrie said.
"See it's closed now we can take off our illusion disks." Cass said. "no Cassidy there could be someone here." "Evans right cass there could be nigh gaurds." Gabriel backed me up. I gave him a quick smile to show my appreciation. Making sure everyone else couldn't see because they would be sure to ship us even more.

"ARGH LOOK AT HE SLIDE, SURE TO HAVE BOOTY IN THERE. "Fritz wait!" we all called after him. We were too late. He already slid down the slide. One by one we all slid down. Gabriel insisted he go down right next to me just in case. I have to admit I admire him looking out for me.
He held my hand and we went down together. We all stayed behind Cassidy and Gabriel as they were the oldest.

"SUN NO LEAVE ME ALONEEEE" A familiar voice called out. I can't really see who it is. I thought Susie said it was closed. "No clean up! CLEAN UP!" A sun animatronic yells. The boy runs over here to us not noticing. "Hello?" I say.

Gregory POV-

"Hello?" Wait did that sound like Evan? I quickly turn around to be greeted by Everyone I met yesterday except the tall guy that smells. "EVAN!" I yell in shock. He stumbles over as not expecting me to yell, I quickly catch him. "I-i-i-i t-thank thank you.." he says burrying his face in his sleeve. We pull out of each others grip. "OH man GODD SHIP!" Susie exclaims. Ignoring her I questioned why they were here and they asked me the same. I told them I would only tell them if they told me. "It was a challenge we all came into here." Elizabeth jumped in before anyone could speak.

"Okay we'll um I live here." Shocked faces spread across the room. "so are you d-." Gabriel covered Charlies mouth before she could finish her sentence. "Okay... Well you guys should leave now before sun sees you." "Whos-" "NEW FRIENDS!" Sun exclaims. He starts going off about finger painting.

"Follow me if you want to live" I said knocking over a few cans. I ran away as sun was pre occupied by the mess. I look back and everyone followed me except fritz and Jeremy. Cassidy told me they all thought it would be better if fritz stayed there, I don't know why they think that or why Jeremy is there too. But I'm. Not gonna ask.

Evan has this shocked look on his face like he's about to cry. Nobody noticed so I pulled him off to the side while they were all talking. "Are you okay?" "I-i I'm sorry." He starts to cry. I pull him into a hug to comfort him. "Why are you sorry?" "I'm sorry f-for crying. I just don't l-like animatronics." He Burris his head into my shoulder still crying. "These guys are nice, they're very sweet and caring." "T-THERES MORE!?" He yells, words slightly muffled.

"There are no nice ones.. especially if there made by William.." "who's William?" I ask. "A-afton."

[A/n okay I don't know who built the animatronics or the building (security breach) so I'm just gonna say William is still at it. Now he told his family he quit but he's still murdering peaple and now only Evan and Eli know.

"Oh the creator of this place? Yeah I think he comes here every once in awhile. Vanessa says he is her boss or something. makes sense tho." "Vanny?" He looks at me. What the hell. How did he know about vanny? "Yes but she's good now." "You can't trust her. She could still be under his control.. I-i have to go t-tell everyone I'm sorry." He breaks out of my grip and grabs his sister then leaves.
Visit me soon will you?
Words: 1070
This one's a little longer hehe but thanks for your patience 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️
I have more ideas for the sleepover so I think it might happen again in the future 💪💪

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now