14. The confession

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"Yeah listen evan i...I like you."

*I could see the look on his face change drastically as if someone had cut off his oxygen. He opened his mouth to talk but he didnt say anything. He looked to the side and then back at me.*

"Gabriel...You know im dating gregory right?" *I could hear the akwardness in his voice."

*I nod slowly as my heart drops. I guess i knew it but i didnt want to belive it. My lips got all chapped and I forced a smile*

"He isnt even dead- I mean you like a alive kid...It will never work out Evan..."

"Yeah but neither would we." *He spoke with a annoyed tone.*

*He avoided eye contact with me and looked to the side. He pouted and I js stared into oblivian trying to process. Had he really said that to me? It was kind of irritating me honestly. I looked down at him and scoffed.*

"Look Evan im just saying alright dont get mad at me. I dont want this to come between us but you need to calm down...Is it gregory? Is he why your so hostile?" *I look him up and down awaiting his awnser*

"Shut up you dont know anything about him, you say you dont want this to come between us yet you insult my boyfriend." *His tone grows more horse as he now makes eye contact with me.*

"Evan im just saying-"

"Leave, honestly you have a crush on me? Im sorry but i have a boyfriend, i dont feel the same okay? I wanted to let you down nicely but you have no right to act the way you are."

"Wait Evan i didnt mean it like that, Im sorry if i offended you" *I say panicy and fast. Trying to find some words to throw together to save us, to save our friendship. My heart drops as i relize how i messed up.*

*He scoffs and looks visibally upset. When he gets upset and stressed he tends to cry and i can already see the tears forming in his eyes* "Leave." *He demands as he points to the door*

"Evan. Listen just im sorry i didnt mean to but he really, you shouldnt hang out with someone like-"

*He cuts me off and yells at me as he starts to relase his tears* "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHHHHUT UP. YOUR GETTING ON MY NERVES"  *He yelled so loud to where i think the whole town heard.*

*I sniffle* "Fine if you want to be that way im leaving! You just threw the decades of our friendship out the window Evan!" *I storm off in one last attempt to guilt trip him. If i could guilt trip him then he might feel bad and regret his desision...wait but if he doesnt i just ended our friendship. You know what who cares I dont need him and im tired of how he treats me and how he doesnt love me when im the better option.*

*I storm down the stairs from his room and out the door. He sucks and Cassidy was right to toss him out of golden freddy*

***5 HOURS LATER*** (EVAN POV, also its like around 9pm)

 *Me and gregory sat at my house and he seemed a bit pissed but ignored his feelings in order to comfert me while i sat and talked to him about what happend with gabriel*

*We sat in silence as i layed my head against gregory's chest. He rubbed my back as i ranted about how irritable gabriel was being earlier.*

*We hear footsteps come up the door so gregory goes to hide in my closet as how we arent allowed to see eachother. A knock on the door is next to be heard as I open it and gabriel piles in.*

"What are you doing here." *I said in a shocked disbelief that he would show his face here after what had happend earlier that day.*

"I just forgot somthing thats all Evan."

"Oh please take your time Gabriel" *I say a bit salty*

*Gregory peaks his head from out of my closet and climbs out placing his arm around my shoulder.*

"Get your shit and leave."

*Gabriel looks at Gregory and scoffs*

"Im getting my stuff alright? You dont have to be so fucking annoying."

"Oh so am i annoying you now?"

"Yeah you are, this is none of your buisness what happend earlier."

"It is my buisness since it revoled around me."

"Not everything revolves around you Gregroy"

"You seem to make every convorsation revolve around me though/"

"You just happen to get on everyones nerves."

"Im pretty sure your the only one who doesnt like me."

"No its becuase Evan cant be himself when hes around you isnt that right?~"

*Gabriel looks at me and i already know where this is going. I look at him and pleed. I mouth out the words for him to not do this but all he does is smirk at me.*

"What are you even talking about, me and Evan tell eachother everything."

"Has he ever told you his last name?"


"Exactly...Do you know what happend in '83?"

"Uhh no...? I dont pay attention in class. What was it like ww2 right-"

*Gabriel looks at him in a sort of confused shock.*

"WW2? What no- How stupid are you."

"Im not stupid."

"Jeez this is why im better than him Evan."

"Shut up asshole"

"I mean why would you even chose an alive kid? That doesnt make any sense. I mean what would your father say."

"Gabriel.." *I warn*

"I mean Mr.Afton sent vanny after Gregory didnt he? Not to mention you two are banned from seeing eachother.~"

"Gabriel shut up..."

"Wait what do you mean Mr.Afton...and what do you mean by "alive kid"?"

"Evans dead. Hes also the bite victom for '83 who was killed by his brother. The same brother who was with us at the park."




actually i was gonna end it at 515 words (when gabriel left evan's house) but i thought i'd feed yall some more <3

ALSO i figured i'd give out my discord in case anyone wanted it so js reply to this if you want :man_shrugging:  (HONESTLY BC I KINDAAAAA WANNA RP GREGVAN W/ SOMEONE SOMETIME SO YKKK IF ANYONEEE DOWNNNN THENNNN)

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now