13. A day late

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quick a/n before i start the chapter uhmm hi<3 but i dont know how good this is gonna go (grammer and spelling wise) i did fail my english/writting class.. so. BUT,BUT uhm im on pc now and idk how to do the italics and bold and underlined print so please forgive me for that :') THANK YOU ALL FOR CORRECTING ME ON HENRY'S NAME <3



*I sat there anxiously waiting for Evan to arrive. It had only been an hour since i texted him, though, i cant help but feel worried. I mean what if he rejects me? Its not like someone like him would have a boyfriend anyway. I mean alot of peaple dont like him...consider this charity work.. No im joking, Evan is amazing...? Enough I should just stop thinking*

"Gabe?" *The familer boy who i onced bullied in a past life called out. He aproched me calmly. The thought of him right there infront of me scared me to death...knowing what i was about to say at least.*

"Yeah Evan i need to talk to you about somthing important..." *My voice trailed off as i looked away. I stared down at my feet and began to speak once more* "Evan I-"

"EVVVVVVVV~ YOUR HERE" *gregory ran up from behind Evan out of the shadows and pulled him into a hug* "Not now gregory im a little busy" "Too busy for your boyfriend~~~" "G-gregory! shush!" *Evan shushed him, and at that momment i knew what had happend.*

"Oh so you two are together now?"

"Yeah im sorry dont mind him. What were you going to say?"

*I try to speak but the words wont come out, seeing Evan and Gregory there together as a couple? I just cant belive it...tsk whatever i dont want to be late anyway. I walk away from the two "lovebirds" and head inside the class.



*That was strange? Maybe he had to tell me somthing he didnt want gregory to hear. Yeah maybe its about like somthing dead? Could he need a new illusion disc? Ill give one to him later*

"Uhh earth to Evan? Hellooo~~" Gregory says mushing my face/

"A-ah! quit that" *i push his hands away and wipe off my face*

"Soooo~ are we gonna call eachother pet names now? Like can i call you babe? A-and you can call me love" *Gregory smiles. He stutters that last bit and i think hes a bit too exicted about this. I chuckle to myself as we walk inside the room*

"Alright class settle down, glad you two could make it" *The teacher joked. "Now about the partner dance i was talking about. Basically you and your partner will be graded by how well you preform the said rutine i have picked out." Partners will be asigned by straw and pratice towards this will began as soon as your partner is chosen. Now come over here form a line please"

*Me and gregory walk over together and pull out our straws. My straw was short and his was a little shorter than mine. We both sighed*

"Out of my way loser!" *Elizabeth pushed her way through us. She grabbed a straw and pulled it out happily. When she looked at it her smile turned into one of disgust.*  "Give me that loser." *She took my straw and compared it to my own* "Just as i feared, an exact match" *She said dramatically, placing her hands on her hips and looking at me.* "You best not mess this up loser."

"Oh boy" *I sighed as gregory looked to go find his partner. Awhile later i saw him meet up with cassidy. Oh no that isnt gonna end well...I thought to myself as they already seemed to want to kill eachother.*

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now