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{A/n I changed my writing style a bit!}
TW MENTIONS OF ABUSE, BEATING PEAPLE UP (Graphic but. not really that good) mention of death And death

Michael pov <333

I'm so worried about what might happen to Evan and Elizabeth. I mean I know there dead but they can still feel pain. At least Dad no William stopped killing. I don't know what I'd do if I found out he still is. I think our relationship is starting to get better but I don't trust him. I have to tell Beth and Evan to be careful around him. It will be hard considering they admire him.. well Evan not as much. Evan. He doesn't remember what I did and I hope he never does.

I see Evan and beth storm back into the house straight to fathers office. I understand privacy is important but I'm gonna spy on them anyway.

"Evan, Beth, how can I help you?"

" I thought you stopped killing.."

"I did what are you talking about?"

"The mega pizzaplex!"

William stayed silent for a minute then responded

"I have no clue on what your talking about now leave. I have work to do"


"Eli take your brother out of here. It will make me so happy!"


Elizabeth drags Evan outside and I run off to prevent them from seeing me. After I'm sure they left I run in there.


"Ahh Micheal hello."

"Don't "Micheal" me."

"What's wrong?"

"Your still killing aren't you. Hah and I thought you actually changed. Once a killer allways a killer."

"I have an explanation."

"What is it."

"I think I found your mother."

"I I she's been dead for So long. I don't even remember her so what would this mean. D-Didnt you say she was physically and emotionally abusive.. I mean I remember some of that.."

"..I can't forgive her for what she did to you and your siblings. You were so young, but I think she is possessing an animatronic that hengry made after his wife."

"Can you explain?"

"You'd have to ask hengry about that. Take your siblings to ballet class please."

"Yes father."


"GREGORY!!!" I yell whilst tackling him into a hug.

Everyone was looking at us but I don't care.

"W-WHAT THE HELL!?" He yells completely taken back by the tackle.

Gregory then gets out of my grip and stands up. He leaves for the back corner where the bully's hang out. I immediately got some anxiety from the thought. I walk over there too them. I bring Gabriel just in case.

"Well well well look who it is."

"Yo ev look at these guys I mean look at those abs." Gregory exclaims.

"Yeah "ev" have a look at our newest member." Says the bully leader.

"Yuhhh" Gregory says.

"So your joining them now?" I stand up.

"Yeah what's wrong with that?" Gregory asks.

"Hey how bout we all hang out after school."

The bully looks from me to Gabriel to Gregory. We all agree for some reason.

"Evan I won't be able to make it."

"What! But I need you here I can't face the bully's alone."

"I'm sorry and I believe in you."

I shake it off and help everyone with there ballet. Later moving on to helping myself. There's gonna be a partner dance scene. I wonder who will get picked.

--------TIME SKIP after class

I walk out to the blacktop scared to death. I see Gregory and his "friends" together in the corner. I walk over to them.

"Hey Evan you ready for another session?"


"Hey Evan you ready for another session?"

This confuses me. I see Evan is clearly uncomfortable and feel unsafe but I let it slide. My friends then start to hurt him. I just stand there in shock

TW beating up ppl
They grab him by the hair and start kneeing him in the face. Slapping him and slamming him Into the floor. Blood gushing out from his arms and torso area. Gore and parts of skin all over the black top. I snap out of my trance and step in. I grab some one of the bully's and smash his head into the floor. Moving on to the next I drop kick him and he falls down. Moving on the the leader I grab a stick and stab it into his side. Realizing what I've done I take Evan and run to the hospital.
End TW

I call Elizabeth and tell her to meet me at the hospital. Later her, her brother and I'm assuming her father come rushing in. 

"What's wrong?!" The father worries.

I then begin to explain to him about the bully's and what happened, not telling him about me being heroic. He yells at me on how I brought him to a hospital which makes no sense.

"EXCUSE ME Sir YOU CANT GO IN THERE!" His father rushes into the restricted area where they're keeping him.

William pov 🛐

I rush into the room where they're holding my son. I ask the nurse there if the doctor has seen him yet she tells me no.

She then explains to me about how my son is dead and has been dead for awhile. I grab a scalpel and stabed the nurse repeatedly with it. I then pushed her out the window and grabbed Evan.
End TW

I put his illusion disk back on because the nurse took it off. Due to the beating it's parsley broken. Meaning his there's blood all over him, and his ears (bear) appear. I put him in one of those roller beds and cover him with the bed sheets. I put on one of the doctor outfits and roll him out.

"Micheal Elizabeth come one." I whisper hinting to the bed.

They follow me out the door. I look back at the boy who brought him in. Your never coming near my son again.

WORDS: 1030
Hehehehehe ITS DONE 👍⭐

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now