3: thinking of him

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3rd person pov.

Gregory woke up at 2am with something on his mind,that boy. Gregory never really had any friends, but something about that boy mad him smile. He thought it could be the way he was nice to him even though he himself was a little rude and the fact that the boy Evan invited him to hang out with him and his friends afterwards. He just thought of the boy as a friend. A really sweet friend.

Gabriel pov

I walked over to Evans house to ask if I could borrow his illusion disk around 8am. I knocked on the door and William was there. "H-hello Mr.Afton." I looked towards the floor. "Gabriel no need to be so formal. Who are you here for? Evan or Eli?" He asked. "well both actually!" "Alright come on in there both hanging out with Micheal." I walk inside to find Evan asleep on Micheal and Elizabeth asleep on Evan. I snicker finding that Evans wings are hitting Micheal in the face.

TW [pills]
"EVAN, WAKE UP HOE!!" I yell trying to wake up my sleeping best friend. He wakes up. I'm surprised he doesn't normally sleep, it's actually really hard for him to try and fall asleep, to where he has to take multiple pills to sleep. I know he hates them. But there the only thing that helps him sleep. "Why are you here?" He questions me. "Oh! Well I'm here to see if I can borrow your illusion disk charger." "That's what you came here for." he groans. "Yeah I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have woken you espially since if you wanna go back to bed your gonna have to take your pills again." "It's cool" he replies.

End TW

He leads me to his room and I place my illusion disk on the charger. *Ping* Evan and I both pull out our phones to see what it is.

                «||♪•⟨ballet hoes⟩•♪||»

Elizabeth: LOOK AT THEM <333 #GABRVAN

[Insert photo of them]

{A/n I don't ship them it's just for the sake of the story. ^^}

Susie: SHIPP

Jeremy: what? They didn't invite me >:[

Gregory: um okay..

Cassidy: ...


You: Eh what- the hell.

Elizabeth: your so cute together tho!!!

Charlie: you are so cute together!!

You: Shut the hell up.


Gregory: why are they all bloody and look like they were murder or some shit-



Elizabeth: UM COSPLAY?

       All online except Gregory, fritz

You: You know I don't have time for your lame asses✋

Evan: yeah same we have stuff to do!

Susie: like be boyfriends and get married!!
                      All online except         
You: kys.

Eli is so fuckin anoying with that. All of them are. Allways shipping me and Evan.

I awoke out of my thoughts to the sight of Evan chasing Elizabeth around his room. "EVAN!" Elizabeth yells as she trips onto the floor. Evan picks her up and throws her out of his room. "Ehe sorry for the disturbence!" He how can he look so calm after he just threw his sister out the door.

"So Evan..." He hums a response. "We'll um do you um let's do.. do you wanna have a sleepover! We can invite some of the others. I was thinking here but if you don't want to we can at the pizzeria!" "Ye!!! Let's do it. We can do it at the pizzeria because I don't know how my dad would feel." He smiles. "Okay!"

[Timeskip 3pm at the park.]
Evan POV.

Me, gabe and Eli walked over to the bench we sit at. *Ping* I get a text from Gregory telling me he's here. I respond telling him we're exactly we were. So far everyone is here except him. "Hey so me and Evan were planning a sleepover at the old pizzeria! Do you guys wanna come?" "Well duh we all live there" Jeremy sarcastically replies to Gabriel. "Alright I'll tell Gregory!" I smiled. "Well um actually can we not invite him, I mean some of us want to not have to wear our discs." Cassidy said. "But-" I get cut off by Gabriel. "Evan she's right, we don't really wanna have to wear our discs." "Oh."
WORDS: 725

hehehe next one is the park episode! It might be short bc I don't have plans for it but I do have lots of ideas for the sleepover!!! Get ready!

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now