12: Gabriel

476 12 17

Gaberial POV.
Thinking about Evan right now

That's it! I'll ask out Evan today and see what happens. I know he loves me back. He's just gotta. When we were alive I did bully him but now it's different..


Evan: hey Gabe!!!

You: um are you ready for ballet practice today?

Evan: hell yeah! I can't wait.

You: yeah well before practice starts. Can you meet me outside?

Evan: sure?

You: alright thanks!

Words: 83
Like I said chapters will be short so I have time to write more. Wasn't expecting to write this little but oh well. I'm sorry I forgot about this book with school and all so please forgive my absence. Also I do not know shit about ballet. But I do wanna make more ballet chapters so if anyone knows about ballet pls let me know. Like I said I have school and its really stressful so please be patient with me. Thank you :) real quick I just want you guys to know I enjoy your comments they Lowkey got me cracking up.

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