8:A date?

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This chapter will contain the f slur. Now before you get pissed of yes Gregory is gay but is unsure of his feelings I'm also gay so calm down 😃
I'll put a two bc ik it may cause bad memories.

Evan POV

Grounded? Who does he think he is. I mean Gregory saved me. My brother walks in and grabs my electronics but slips me my ipad back. He tells me too keep it hidden then leaves.

Okay good now I can talk to Gregory now.


Gregory🩰: Evan you good?

You: yeah sorry I'm grounded.

Gregory🩰: oh shit my bad I didn't mean to get you grounded.

You:it's cool.
so um do you want to come with me somewhere. For lunch. Together. Just us.

Gregory🩰: I'd like to go on a date with you Evan.


Gregory🩰: what date? We're going on a date tho. You know what I'll take you to the pizzaplex my treat.

You: really.

Gregory🩰: anything for you ev <3


Gregory🩰: I wouldn't wanna get you in more trouble..

You: your right.

Gregory🩰: alright I'll pick you up at 11pm?

You: YEAH! See you at practice!


I smile. My dad then walks in and I quickly hide my tablet in time.

"So what are you doing?" He asks.

"Talking with Cassidy."
[A/n Context in comments]

"I thought you didn't like her."

"I don't I hate her but she's the only one I have to talk to rn."

"Okay, well only because you have a recital soon I'm allowing you and Elizabeth to go to ballet class today."


"But Elizabeth will be watching you so don't even think about talking to anyone besides her and your teacher."

"What about cass?"

"Yeah sure idc."

With that he leaves me room as I change into my leotard. I excitedly run downstairs to find Elizabeth pissed off. Looks like she's been crying. I can't blame her dad allways hated her.

We walk out to the car, silent the whole ride. We arrive on site and I run inside quickly. I find Gregory in the corner with Cassidy. Looks like there pissed at each other.

"Hey Greg and um Cassidy." I say staring at my feet.

"I heard A- Miller banned you from seeing Gregory. Reminds me when he banded all of y'all from seeing me."

"THAT BECAUSE-" Elizabeth says out of breath just as I slap my hand over her mouth.

"Shut up Eli!"

"Hey your not supposed to be talking to Gregory remember! I'm telling daddy!"

"Remember how that ends."

Elizabeth then joins the others.

"So you guys friends now?" I ask.

"With him never."

"Oh sorry I didn't even notice the whore."

"EVAN! he insulted me now like insult him.

"But when you came into golden you hated me."

We both just akwardly stare at Gregory hoping he's oblivious to the fact we both possess and animatronic and infact are dead.

"Um what?"

"It's just a me and Evan thing!" Cass jumps in.


Cassidy grabs me by the hand and drags me away.

[A/n Cassidy and Evan can communicate through mind but can't hear each others thoughts make sense? : Mind thoughts look like this.]

"Evan you shouldn't hang out with him!"

"Why not?"

"He's a bad influence! HE CALLED ME A WHORE!"

"OKAY I gotta help him with his ballet bye."

Cassidy scoffs as I walk over to Gregory and pull him into a hug. For the first time he hugs me back. We pull apart after a couple of seconds and I tell him how to "leap."

"You got this Greg!"
"Am I doing it right I look like a fuckin faggot."

"Gregory you can't say that word!"

"Why not?"

"It's a slur towards the LGBTQIA+ community! Only memebers can say it I think."

"Mm okay. Well I can say it."

"Your gay?"


"Its okay to be gay Greg." I cut him off.

"Just because we went on a date and we are going on another one doesn't mean I'm gay. Hell doesn't mean I like you like that. IM NOT A FAGGOT!"

"...Sorry I shouldn't have over stepped my boundaries.."

"I'm not gay wait, Ev do you like m-"

"Evan come here please!" The teacher calls.

"No." I replied quickly walking away from him and too the teacher.

Maybe I do like him but he doesn't like guys I don't wanna be like that to him.. he can't know.

I think. My eyes starting to water.

"Evan again? Alright go to the bathroom and freshen up see me when your done okay?"

I run to the bathroom and just break down. I never even tried to come out to him and yet I just got the biggest rejection ever. Now things are gonna be super awkward.
Finally it's done. My apologies it took longer than expected. I have like 6 (not including this one) other platforms that I post daily on. Or at least try too </3 NEXT CHAPTER IS THE DATE MAYBE SOME ANGST IDK MAYBE NEXT ONE AFTER NEXT WILL BE DATE. BARE W/ ME

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now