15.Past secrets

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(Ending two)

*Gregory backed away from Evan slowly*

"What the fuck- you mean like- Ive been hangning out with a- a corspe this whole time. Some who shouldnt even be on this earth- Why are you Even on this earth??"

*Gabriel looked shocked at Gregorys reaction, He turned to Evan to see him crying.*

"i was gonna tell you but not yet!"

"Then when were you gonna tell me Evan? Awnser me! This isnt some cheep shit like "Ohhh i was gonna tell you about my addiction to ___" No Evan your fucking dead. Your not supposed to be on this earth right now. I dont even know how im able to see you right now. Your the type of thing im ought to see in my nightmare Evan, not my dreams."

*Evan couldnt speak, his throat ran dry. He despretly searched for words. He desperatly searched for some way- some how- some thing to say that would fix this relationship, but alas he couldnt find anything.*

"I know this is crazy and he should of told you, but your being such an asshole right now." *Gabriel speaks*

*Gregory laughs* "Im the asshole?? Evan just fucking lied about somthing really important. This is worse than him cheating on me.

"They say all good things must come to an end, but this..us...this would of never been a good thing." *Gregory mutters as he turns his back to Evan.*

*Evan looks down at his phone noticing how he had been blocked on everything. There was nothing left for him at this point.*


I wanted to make this longer sorry but somthing came up so i gotta go!! sorry its so rushed hhh

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now