15. past secrets

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a/n: yeah were digging into those wattpad (wait this is wattpad)and c.ai type messages.

(ending one)

3rd person omniscient POV:

Gregory laughed at Gabriel.

"WTF type of joke is that?"

*Gabriel did not return the laugh, nor did he bother to smile. All he did was stare at Gregory. Thinking about how weird it was, that some--he had known for decades-- would chose a boy he just met over him. It just didn't make any sense to Gabriel. Evan however did smile, not with joy but with pure anger. He looked at Gabriel in disgust on how he could just expose him like that. Of course he was planning on telling his boyfriend, but that was still very personal and he had no right to say that in Evan's mind. Evan sighed and faced his lover.*

"Listen Gregory- Everything that Gabriel said just now is true. I am not alive."

"wait what?"

"I was killed by a...a freak accident in 1983 caused by my brother." *Evan paused for a moment before continuing* "My father is William Afton. The same guy whose after you..."

*Gregory was in motionless. All he could do at the moment was stand there in shock. His cocky smile slowly wiping from his face. Evan didn't even bother to look Gregory in the eye. He felt ashamed of his past and about not telling Gregory. He was scared about what Gregory would say. He didn't want to lose him. Though now he fears he has.*

*After what feels like hours of pure silence--the only sound that could really be heard was Gabriel's ego-- Gregory finally spoke up.*

"Evan, while this is weird..and of course im gonna need sometime to figure out this new imformation. I still love you Evan."

"Bullshit." *Gabriel intertupts. Now visibaly shaking with rage.* "How could you even know what love is?? Your just some dumb kid! You dont know what its like to be in Evan's shoes! You dont know the painful experience of death. You dont know anything so you definatly dont know what love is!"

"You dont know what its like to be in my shoes either!" *Evan's eyes start to water as he stares dead at Gabriel* "You dont know anything Gabriel. Just go home."

*Gabriel lets out a pissed off smirk before turning away to leave.*

"Though he's an asshole, he's right. I dont know what you went through Evan and I cant even begin to imagine the trauma that has resulted. I can promise you that I will look for the better in this."

 *Gregory spoke, his words were only half true though. He felt weirded out by the whole dead bf situation. He figured he would get used to it though, becuase one things for certian, Gregory truly did love Evan. And he loved him more than anything.*


A/N (words: 460)

the end. Like the end the end. I want to first and formous thank each and everyone of you for sticking with me throughout this journey on making this fan-fiction. I started this book on July 18th, 2022. I want to apologize for taking so long to finish it. And i also want to apologize for the whole "alright im gonna continue the story now" and then dissapering for another 2 months. Also for the short ending. Unfortunately I didn't know how much longer I could add to this story without it forcing me into a situation on having to turn it into the length of a Netflix series. I would say it ended good though? Yes I know everyone has been kind of turned against Gabriel. Apologies aside though. I really want you all to know how much I deeply appreciate you all in sticking with me throughout this journey. Though the journey has been cut short, I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you all enjoyed it too. (Even tho we can all agree im pretty trash at writing.) I enjoyed all of the comments you all made. They low-key cracked me up and you all are such amazing people. For once- after all these 449 days. (14 and 3/4ths of a month) I can officially mark this story complete.

MY thoughts:

Ending(s)- theres is no like certian ending. This is for you to decide. If you feel like you would rather have ending one then the ending is ending one. if you like eding 2 better than the ending is ending 2. its your choice to interprate how the story has gone so far and decide the ending on your own!!

Ballet AU- Yes this is an origonal AU! I was just drawing randomly one day and drew Evan and Cassidy in a ballet uniform and then the idea came to me.

about gabriel- Okay origonally Gabriel was just going to be Evan's best friend with some feelings, but then eventually --once Evan and Gregory got togeher-- do the best to support his friend. (we all saw how that went) The whole Idea of making Gabriel the anagonist--yes gabriel is the "villian" in this story. No one else.-- was becuase I was drawing the missing children all going to the sleepover (chapter 5) and in the drawing there was Gabriel comferting Evan from the animatronics. Thats bassicaly when the whole idea came to mind.

about Cassidy- I know some people think Cassidy X Evan is better--and while I am a gregvan shipper all the way myself-- everyone has their own opinions. The way in not only how I veiw this AU but also my main AU/ understading when incorpurating Gregvan is that Gregory and Cassidy hate eachother. BUt only becuase cassidy doesnt like sharing her/his friends and that she/he likes all the attention on her/himself. Especially Evans attention.

about Evan- My whole thought process on him has been the same throughout the story. Nerdy crybaby who cant stick up for himself but can however stick up for someone else when deeply motivated to. (hence him sticking up/arguing for gregory.)

about Gregory- Pretty chill dude. I kind of went of most peoples ideas on him for this story. Hes like a protector and an offender at the same time. Like an unfiltered friend.

about Evan's impact on Gregory- Pretty much went from a bratty teen to more of a sweatheart based on Evans impact on him. Still has his same personality from the begining of the story but just more sweeter to the ones he loves.

about Gregory's impact on Evan- I know that I had Gabriel mention how much more hostile Evan has been since he met Gregory, but that was deffinatly an overstatment. Yes he has gotten more of an atitude becuase of Gregory, but thats just gregorys personality effecting someone who holds him close. Evan hasnt gotten super rude- he just has a bit more of an attitude.

Newcoming storys: I dont have any sudden urges for new storys at the moment. I do have a few Ideas in mind. Of course this is optional but if you want to follow my wattpad account I will update on my storyboard my ideas for a new story.

Other: I wonder- This was a fairly short story was it not? Who ended up being your favirote charetor? At the begining I enjoyed Elizabeth as my favirote charetor in the story. Though she was a brat, she still was a fun charetor to write in this AU. Towards the end though I started to like Gabriel more, though he doesnt have much to him besides being the antagonist of the story, I still liked his "charetor troupe."

!!!If you have any questions regaurding the AU or the story please feel free to ask. I understand that alot of things didnt make sense and were unclear. !!!

Final word count: 1274

[•Are you real?•][Ballet AU] Evan x GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now