Chapter one

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"Your majesty" the royal court members before their king who stood in the middle of the throne watching his people and family members. "We have a complaint from the pack house in the north about the Shin clan attack" the noble wearing red on the right side of the room spoke.

"Huh! The attack on the north shouldn't have been our consideration since the North has refused to pay tax on the land we provided. We send our protection and the next thing we are facing are those filthy men of the dirty" the one wearing white speaks from the left side gaining people's agreement.

"But the North is still part of the great mother kingdom of Shivalik; we can't go unheard to the cries of our people! My King, we must take action before Shin's people destroy the North, '' Kim Bohyun, the King's advisory says from the right side.

"Minster Kim you seem to forget that Shin isn't just an ordinary man we talkin so lightly of. He and his clan are known to be a powerful and mysterious group of rogues. They are a force that has been attacking smaller packs and turning them into one large empire. We can't afford to be involved when it is not our call. We can't take any step which can lead to war without thinking of our kingdom and pack" came a deep voice of Park Miso the son of the white noble.

The ministries and the noble of each side start arguing on the matter, raising voices and growling among themselves forgetting who they were standing in front of. "Silence!" came the roaring voice of their King.

In a moment the courtroom falls dead silent as people around bowl their heads in submission for their King

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In a moment the courtroom falls dead silent as people around bowl their heads in submission for their King. The royal blood Alpha glare eyes shining red at his people as they disrespect him. "How dare you raise your voice in the presence of your king! Have you forgotten your honor and respect being in this courtroom" the king growls with his alpha voice commanding the people in the court to fall on their knees with their necks out?

"Mercy your majesty!" they all shout bowing.

"We know where we stand in the matters of the North. We are the great mother kingdom of Shilvock, the bloodline of the great warriors and we will stand to our roots. We fight for our people and those who come to us seeking help! We must not forget that the head of the North pack has been our ally even before our kingdom has been here. They have fought our battle along our side so we do the same!" The king begins his voice holding power and authority as his eyes roam on those whose heads are down.

"We will send our greats and the strong warriors today to the North. Call general Min to the courtroom and he will lead the pack towards North-" before the King would finish his words the door to the courtroom pushed open and a buffed man came running with heavy breathing.

The King's eyes frown seeing the man who comes and bows on his knees "M-Majesty" the man let out heavy breathing as he tries to catch his breath.

"Jackson what is it?" the king comes closer to the man who just so has to be his best friend and right-hand man.

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