Chapter Thirteen

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The bright red curtains dragged down by the wooden doors of the large golden room, and the finest chosen pearls decorated each corner, laced with the gold frame. The only source of sound was the emptiness of the room. A heavy metal throne decorated with golden edges set in the highest levels of the room. The large oak doors flung open carelessly by the true blood, the sound of his heavy footsteps rising a powerful force as he makes his way down the throne.

Jeongguk halts his steps just a few feet away from the golden throne, the place that was rightfully his but never the place he wanted to be. The empty throne symbolizes power. The power that gives him the rights to all living creatures, gives him authority to control millions of lives. Put justice in his hands for better or worse. The Throne that makes anyone feel like the most powerful person would also make one feel the most vulnerable, and helpless being out there. The moment anyone sits down on the golden throne the world around them becomes much more daunting, your people turn into your enemies, and your close one becomes your biggest fear. It was truly the most scary place to be in. For which Jeongguk never wanted to claim such a place as his own.

All living beings are greedy creatures, they are slaves to power and the more one has they are bound to become evil. The throne comes with a golden chain that cuffs itself around the neck, the wrist, and the ankle. The endless power came with soft thick lays of golden stripes that covered one ability to see the right and wrong. The chain around their neck cuts off all ink to their throats that dares to voice the right justices.

The golden Thorne was all-powerful and shining from the outside but the one that set on it knew it was full of thorns and sharp edges that were willing to cut one neck at any given moment.

So here Jeongguk stood before the powerful throne that decided his fate. His heart racing with endless possibilities but he keeps a calm demeanor, his face showing no signs of weakness or willingness whatsoever. It was just plain, like the unsettling truth that he soon had to face.

Soon he too has to meet his fate, he will have to take the oath of throne and come face to face with the power of all evil. Once he sits on that throne the reality will become much clearer for him, he will see the true colors of his people, his kingdom, and himself.

His dark orbit turns golden as he takes a step closer to the throne, his veiny hands reaching to touch the sharp edge of the armrest. Even the slightest touch of the metal felt much stronger, it was attempting even for him. The want to know, the desire to feel powerful was slowly emerging from his thoughts. So with no proper control over his self, he let his desires come to life. He reaches for the throne and sets his body down. An instant suffocation begins filling his heart, and a pain of the heaviness waves down his chest. But as he closes his eyes, as his fingers feel the sensation, the powerful force of the throne his body becomes more intense, his hands fist and his muscles tighten. A heavy sigh left his mouth while the corner of his lips rose upward. This very second he realized what power possessed, what it truly felt like to be so close to this gripping force that he seemed to be pleased with it.

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