Chapter Seven

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Jeongguk stares bewildered at Hansung as anger grew over him. "Where are you coming from?" He asked.

Hansung's tired eyes met his lover, and something else flashed between them

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Hansung's tired eyes met his lover, and something else flashed between them. He wouldn't speak a word because of what had happened, he was shaking but he tried to hide that. "J-Jeongguk" he whispers the name.

Taeyang behind him was making sure that Hansung was okay but he can feel the unease in his voice. Jeongguk took a step towards Hansung knowing something wasn't right but before he could Hansung took the only step towards his lover before his body gave up.

"Hansung" Jeongguk yells in fear as Hansung falls into his arm, his eyes wide up, lips parted and body uncontrollably shaking

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"Hansung" Jeongguk yells in fear as Hansung falls into his arm, his eyes wide up, lips parted and body uncontrollably shaking.

Jeongguk screams his lover's name not understanding what happened to him, but his fear of seeing Hansung in such a state sends a shiver to his soul. "Hansung! Love!" Jeongguk held the small boy closer to him.

Taeyang also came to Hansung's side and obvious him, he was about to touch Hansung but Jeongguk stops him. "Don't think about touching him!" His demands through Taeyang didn't need to listen.

Jeongguk calls upon the maids to notify the royal physician. He takes Hansung's shaky body into his arms and gives Taeyang sharp eyes before running for the physician's room.

Jeongguk lays Hansung onto the soft bed of the physician's room, his eyes tearing worried gif his lover. "Love please answer me" Jeongguk keeps on calling for Hansung.

But the other man could only hold his arm tightly, his eyes letting out tears. Taeyeon came to them and stood before Jeongguk.

"He won't speak for sometimes" he finally spoke.

Jeongguk's head rises glaring at the tall man. "What do you mean? Who are you? Did you do this to him!" Jeongguk grabbed Taeyang by his throat and pushed him against the wall.

Jeongguk's eyes changing it colored to red in anger While Taeyang shined golden. Taeyang held the royal blood arms away from his neck.

"I have done nothing! Hansung is going through something that no creature can ever experience. His body is taking in what he gave cond to known" Taeyang calmly spoke.

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