Chapter Ten

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Hasung shaky makes his way into the forbidden forest again. His heart quickens it beats, sick to his stomach as he has come to meet the one who can answer his questions. After the night of meeting his lover, Hasung wanted to be upfront with Jeongguk about everything. Wanted to say things that he thought were impossible had happened, that they had created a life together. But Hasung just couldn't. He didn't know how to, what words to use to speak to his alpha.

He was also scared of how Jeongguk would react, all the What If was scaring him. He needed to assure himself before he could even confront Jeongguk. He is scared, it wasn't normal for a "blessing" to be able to carry another person's child. A person that wasn't his. He is afraid of what the reality will become for them. He doesn't want to lose Jeongguk, he will die if his lover is taken away from him.

So here he was in mid-Down traveling through the dark forbidden forest with Taeyeon trying to find the one person who could answer his question, the person who could take away his worries and assure him of what was happening. But he feels guilty. Guilty towards his lover who he left alone in the comforter of his bed.

He wanted to talk to Jeongguk before he arrived, let him know where he going but waking off to his peaceful sleeping alpha he didn't have the heart to wake him up. Jeongguk had just turned from a battle and a long journey Hasung didn't want to disturb his peace. So he left hoping that Jeongguk would understand him once he returned.

"How much longer Taeyeon?" Hasung sighed tiredly as his body was aching from the long walk.

"No, far ahead just across the large hill where the Shamans were last seen" Taeyeon replied as he held a large clothed bag in his hand.

They have been traveling to meet the Shamans based deep in the forbidden forest. The great shaman is not a human or a creature but a spirit known to have the power and wisdom of all creatures. She has the answer to Hasung's question. But it is always difficult to find her as she has no form known to anyone. She is like the wind that can't be seen or touched but is heard.

So this difficult journey was becoming more impossible but Hasung wasn't giving up. He had to make it to her and back to his lover. He needs to. "We are here Hasung" Taeyeon spoke and suddenly the cold and dark forest became more chilling as the wind changed its calm rhythm into ruthless chaos causing the two to collide against objects.

"Watch out!" Hasung didn't see the coming storm of darkness if it wasn't for Taeyeon pulling him away from it.

A slow foot stepped forward but it had no upper form, a touch of crawling fingers ran through its body but it had no hands. Shivers ran through their body but they didn't run away. They face the horrifying darkness which soon hides behind a soft yet shallow voice.

 They face the horrifying darkness which soon hides behind a soft yet shallow voice

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'It not a shadow, it not an illusion. Not a reflection but a pain. Painted with blood from the eyes of pained lovers.' The dark voice sang, and an airy sound sent chills down Hasung's spins.

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