Chapter two

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"Your majesty," the butler called, knocking on Jungkook's Chamber. But no answer was hard as Jungkook was knocked on his bed. The butler called once again but still, the result was the same.

"What's going on?" the butler turns towards the direction of the voice and bows in respect as Luna Seokjin comes his way.

"Your highness the prince is still asleep," the butler polity said and Seokjin chuckles. "The prince has come from a long battle, let him rest '' he says but the butler looked puzzled.

"Your words are my honor but the king has asked for the prince your highness," the butler says, and Seokjin sighs.

"Alright then," he says opening his son's chamber doors, he is very aware that his son is a very heavy sleeper and if anyone comes to wake him then they will have to face his anger so he takes it upon himself to go in.

But Seokjin was surprised when the bed was empty, he stepped further into the chamber in search of his son but there was no one. "Jungkook" he calls no one answers.

He turns to the butler "where is jungkook?" Seokjin asks worriedly but the butler bows with nothing to say.

Seokjin's heart races thinking of the worst that possibly would have happened to Jungkook. His son never left anywhere with him knowing so to see Jungkook's chamber empty he was scared. Even if he knew no one would dare to touch his son he was still terrified. He saw the large glass windows which were left open and he prayed it was Jungkook who went out and not anyone coming in.

Seokjin rushes out of the chamber to find Yoongi. He must know where Jungkook goes, he can't go to his husband because he knows if Jungkook left the castle on his own again then he will be in more trouble with the King. So the best thing to do is go find Yoongi.

"Jungkook, where are we going? '' the man with a long braid on the side asked the prince as they rode their horses into the hollow forest.

Jungkook doesn't answer his friend as his eyes could only focus between the tall trees. His heart pounds quicker as they ride further into the forest. Jungkook had escaped the castle doors to come to the mysterious forest that had kept him up the whole night. The memory of the strange and beautiful figure in white has captured his mind, their singing calling his name.

So as soon as the morning light hit the dark sky he jumped out of his chamber window, dragging his friend with him, and made a run for the woods. He expected to see the ghostly, magical figure again but they have been in the forest for a long time yet he hasn't seen the white figure or anyone in general. But in all, he thinks they have lost their path since the same form of trees has been crossing their way.

"Jungkook we should go back, this is just creepy" Hoseok the castle doctor calls out as his wide fearful eyes glance around the dark forest

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"Jungkook we should go back, this is just creepy" Hoseok the castle doctor calls out as his wide fearful eyes glance around the dark forest. Since the sun was yet to come out, and the forest was covered in the morning fog, some part of the forest was still hidden in the dark which cared for the older man. Besides, the forest doesn't have the best reputation among the wolves so it scared him more. Hoseok doesn't understand why Jungkook wanted to come to such a place, let alone drag him here.

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