Chapther Eight

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The morning sunlight hits the highest peaks of the kingdom, and Hansung was awake with an empty bed and chaos inside the palace. His heart downed with sorrow when he didn't wake with his Alpha next to him, and when he stepped outside his chamber he heard all kinds of sounds. He sees everyone busy, the palace is always busy but this morning it seems more. There were a lot of workers and maids preparing the palace. He didn't see any of the Royal blood but mostly maids who were setting up the palace with beautiful decorations.

He walks away in search of his alpha but in between, he bumps into of id the maids. The omega maid quickly bows with apologies as she didn't see him coming. Hansung told her it was all right since she was carrying such heavy loads of long red sheets of silk.

"Maybe I ask what going on here?" Hansung looks at her in confusion.

"Oh we don't know what the event is for but we were ordered to decorate the palace and serve the gusts that would be coming today" The Omega smiles.

There was an event he didn't know about? He wonders why no one alerts him. He thanks the maid and took her steps away. His head was heavy and his stomach didn't feel good. He doesn't know why but he feels as if he would die out of dizziness. He holds his stomach, his eyes still looking for his alpha.

Jeongguk stood tall inside the courtroom, his shoulders tight, his hands behind his back and his eyes holding a death stare as he faces his father. The Alpha King held his hand in a fist trying to control his anger.

"I have told you once and I say it again Father, I will not be forced into a marriage that isn't with the person I love," Jungkook said with a deep yet challenging voice towards his father.

"Hansung isn't for love! He is a blessing that isn't for someone desired. He is no creature like us but a sprite that is born in our favor. We can only worship and keep him by our side. But not love!" The King scolds.

The room was captured with silence as the father and the son stare off with anger toward each other. "He isn't just my desire, but my love! My want! And my pride! Hansung is what I crave and what I need! I don't care what he is in your eyes for me he is my reason to stay alive! So stop this nonsense of me marrying Princess Suk-Myung. It Hasung only!" He dared his father.

"Prince Suk-Myung is your mate!! And you don't understand the power of that! You might not want her now but your bond with her isn't a small thread of strings Jeongguk. No one has ever denied the bond, soon or later your mind and body would crave to be next to your mate!! What will happen then!! You nor her would be able to stop yourself from being each other!!" The King shouted and Jeongguk gritted his teeth.

"Yet here I am denying the bond I have with her! I won't accept my fate and be forced to love someone I don't. My bond with Hansung is much more powerful than the mate one! Even when knowing we aren't for each other we still fall for one another. We still love each other despite all the obstacles. And that proves my bond with him." Jeongguk turns his back towards his father and was about to leave but his father wasn't done.

"And what will happen to the bond once Hansung leaves?" The king spoke.

Jeongguk turns to his father with a questioning eye "Hansung wouldn't leave" Jeongguk stated.

"He will. They all do" The was a shift in the King's voice and hidden emotions in his eyes.

"You don't understand do you, my son? In the entire existence of the universe, there have been only 2 blessings. No one has ever spoken of this but millions of years ago there was a blessing like Hasung to exist. That blessing was given to the owner of the sky. The great dragon kingdom, in the form of their youngest son. Kim Jeon-Tae. Many who have seen or heard said that the young dragon prince was the most beautiful creature to walk among others. So majestic and ethereal. Kingdoms and creatures from all existence wanted the prince. No one was ever like him, he was an untouchable flower, which grew lust and hunger among creatures. Wars after wars fall among the dragon's kingdom but it still stood amongst the power because of the blessing.

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