Chapter Twelve

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The soft juster of wind passed the quiet kingdom of Shivalik while the man who stood among the tall empty towers watched the kingdom go on its day. An unsettling smirk played on his lips. In his hands gripping the fallen feather of the white drove.

"Hansung" the name rolled out of his lips. The image of the ethereal blue-eyed beauty faces in front of his eyes chasing his heartbeat to escalate.

Imgu the man who has been on the road, an endless journey to nowhere has encountered many things in his life. Have met every creature that was to exist, many kind and fair, both beautiful and unique. He has also encountered many monsters and demons who exist to capture evil. Yet none of these past encounters have come close to what he has seen today.

On his long life journey, he had heard whispered about such existence, have been told tales about the blue eyes blessing that one exists once in a thousand years. Only those who are born with good deeds are fortunate enough to know about such existence. Imgu always doubted that such beings were possible to be. There was no way that the universe allowed an existence like the blue moon beauty to be created, a beauty that compares to the moon goddess herself.

But now as he stood here by the bright light after being blessed by the presence of the Blue Moon Imgu felt like he had lost all his power to be stable again. His heart still shakes with the pleasure of witnessing the blue moon's beauty. The luring demeanor and the captivating scent of the beauty made him go crazy. He feels the need to see the beauty again, every cell in his body itches to be close to Hansung.

He questions how all those around the beautiful man can go on with their day knowing that they are in the presence of the most extraordinary beings. How much ethereal man hasn't been locking up from the world? Now he understands all the tales about creatures going crazy and dying foolishly from battle caused by the beauty.

Imgu doesn't blame all those who have fought and died while trying to make the beautiful man theirs. All the blood shades, the kingdoms that were destroyed all in the name of beauty must have been worthy.

Imgu sighs knowing what his heart is doing, the sun that it wants him to commit, the greed of wanting to see the beautiful man becomes exclusivist and he fears that he unconsciously give into his sinful desires and will become one of the many who follow the path of death in the hands of the Blue Moon beauty.

Imgu looks away from the bright sky feeling waves of emotion bombarding his self. He turns around to head back to his guest chamber but his feet halt when he finds the person who he never expected to be standing behind him.

His eyes widen and his body goes numb as he stares at the person in front of him

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His eyes widen and his body goes numb as he stares at the person in front of him. The person who is the reason for his disputed self, his heartbeat quickened with every stare coming from the man. He feels like a fool just standing as the owner of the blue moon stood in the distance, his small yet soft frame but relaxed. The softness hidden behind the strong orbits. Imgu wonders why the blue beauty stands like a dream in front of him.

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