Chatper Four

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"Tae. My son, please look at me" Taehyung's father calls over and over but Taehyung eyes didn't even budge as they stare at a tall shadow behind those trees.

"I am waiting, love" Taehyung's eyes shut tightly when he hears cries coming from the forest.

His body trembling, his tears falling. Taehyung's eyes opened again and they met the dark orbits looking back at him. A sudden change in the weather shocks the villager as the ground behind them start shaking, and a large cloud of white smoke covers the path of the village.

Jungkook frowns watching the sudden change, his heart beats rising when he sees Taehyung body floating through the clouds of smoke. Jungkook's eyes turn into their wolf form, blood red as he jumps from the height of the window and chases after Taehyung.

Taehyung's father and brother scream for Taehyung, their eyes worried and scared seeing Taehyung disappear from the clouds. But Jungkook didn't let Taehyung disappear. Jungkook wolf completely takes over and runs behind Taehyung. His midnight form shadowed the white clouds.

But after some time Taehyung disappeared to the other side, the clouds creating a wall between him and Taehyung. He growls trying to pass through the clouds but it is impossible. His wolf fights over and over trying to cross the invisible wall but it was much stronger than Jungkook.

In the far distance, Jungkook sees Taehyung standing facing away from him. Jungkook in his human form can see Taehyung back. He was about to call Taehyung when he felt a presence behind him. His steps turn and Jungkook holds his breath when seeing the ghostly figure in front of him.

Jungkook wouldn't take his eyes away from the man in front of him. His eyes were wide, lips apart as Jungkook felt like his eyes were playing tricks on him. Because the ghostly figure standing in front of him was no other Taehyung.

But at the same time, it wasn't the same Taehyung. Because this Taehyung held the eyes of the depth of the blue ocean, lips as red as a drop of blood, hair dark like the midnight sky, his creamy skin shining the glowing of the milky light that surrounds him.

"Jeongguk" the ghostly figure whispered between his lips.

Jungkook was left stunned by the name that rolled off the ghostly figure. The name that I only ever once heard. He suddenly felt lightheaded, looking at those blue eyes he felt uneasy. And Jungkook felt a lump in his throat when the ghostly figure came near him, his light touch on Jungkook's face have him to lose balance and fall unconscious.

Taehyung stood frozen on the ground, his small frame shaking, his eyes holding the tears of unknown feelings

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Taehyung stood frozen on the ground, his small frame shaking, his eyes holding the tears of unknown feelings. His shaking self is looking for the owner of those hollow eyes. He can feel more tears coming down, his heart can feel those pain if someone is unknown.

"Hasung" a strong yet soft voice calls from behind him.

Taehyung immediately looks behind and his heart stops. The silence of the forest made Taehyung's racing heart sound like a beating drum when seeing the man in front of him. The man who holds the beautiful chocolate eyes, and the strong frame give the vibe of a warrior.

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