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Jeromebtches interviews DianDianSian

Books they have available on their Wattpad account:
His Last Song - "Ji'de Tas Anse"
The Story of the Yamin of Nature-Nakamura Ulysses
He was the "God" of good fortune
In Game/In Real Life

Go give them a follow if you haven't already!

1. What genre/s do you love reading?
Fantasy and just a bit of romance.

2. What genre/s do you love writing?
I love to write a mix of fantasy and slice-of-life; magical beings living regular human lives all the while hiding their magic.

4. Would you consider a career in writing? Please elaborate on whether you would or wouldn't.
Not a full on career; maybe just a career on the side. I've seen many people say that a writing career isn't very stable for living nor is it something that's good to fall back on.

5. Do you have any other hobbies outside of writing?
I do; I play video games, draw, and research psychology since I'm going to be going into psychological education.

6. How old were you when you wrote your first book?
I believe I was either seven or eleven. I can't remember which age, I just know I was young.

8. How do you deal with negative reviews on your book/s?
I either try to fix what the review pertains to, since I write about some things that I don't experience myself, or I just don't bother with them.

9. If you would write a book about your life, what would be the book's title?
"Put Here To Simply Exist".

10. What's the hardest thing about becoming an author?
To me, I think the hardest thing is gaining an audience. It's a lot of promoting all the while you're trying to write your books.

11. How has writing affected your life?
Writing has seriously helped me understand myself. I'm someone who's not very in tune with my emotions, as well as myself, and when I read over some of the things I've written it helps me understand my thoughts better. It's also helped me when I've needed a break from my life.

12. Do you prefer writing Mature content or not? Why or why not?
I don't really prefer anything, it's all about how the book turns out.

The following questions are based on one book:

A. What book are you most proud of and what genre is it?
My book "His Last Song–Ji'de Tas Anse", it's sci-fi. I've completely finished the book recently, and now I'm reading it to myself before I re-upload it.

C. Is there a character in this book you feel connected to? If so, in what way do you feel connected with them?
The character I feel connected to is Song Byeong-ho. I feel connected to him because he's pretty much a self-insert; we've been through a few similar things, plus we have a very similar personality/way of being.

D. If you were placed in this book, what character do you think you'd be best friends with and why?
I actually don't think I'd be very compatible with any of them since they're very similar to me. We'd be friends for a while then we'd kinda just fizz out because it's our personalities.

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