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Jeromebtches interviews EmilyHunsinger0

Requested by danielsmith42

Books they have available on their Wattpad account:
My heart poured out
You're not part of my story
He made me crazy

If you haven't already, go and give them a follow!

1. What genre/s do you love reading?
I love reading romance, I'm a hopeless romantic lol

2. What genre/s do you love writing?
I love writing romance, erotica, and poetry

3. Who inspired you to write?
It wasn't a who just a what and it's just because it's let me express my feelings rather than keeping them bottled up

4. Would you consider a career in writing? Please elaborate on whether you would or wouldn't.
Yes absolutely, I think I could make a living from this and I've always wanted to have a more creative job

5. Do you have any other hobbies outside of writing?
Yes I do, I love reading, swimming, playing basketball, playing volleyball, spending time with my family and friends ECT6. Umm I wanna say I was 14

6. How old were you when you wrote your first book?
Umm I wanna say I was 14

7. Who is your favourite Wattpad author/s?
I have many honestly, I'd be here forever if I were to name them all

8. How do you deal with negative reviews on your book/s?
I honestly don't think I've gotten any, but when I do I'll take it less as criticism and more as advice

9. If you would write a book about your life, what would be the book's title?
I've written a lot of books that have many things to do with my life...many of my books feature my issues with anxiety and depression, but if I were to write a book entirely about my life I'd probably call it something cringy and quirky like "my journey" or something stupid like that lol

10. What's the hardest thing about becoming an author?
Coming up with ideas that fit together into one chapter or story

11. How has writing affected your life?
I would say definitely in a positive way, it's let me express myself

12. Do you prefer writing Mature content or not? Why or why not?
Oh definitely mature content like I said earlier I write a lot of erotica and a lot of my old stories on my old account featured depression and anxiety and lots of trauma

13. What would you like to say to your readers?
Just that I hope they have connected with my stories and poems

The following questions are based on one book:

A. What book are you most proud of and what genre is it?
Either my poetry book on my new account called "my heart poured out"
Or my very first book on my old account called "maybe it's better to let go" which is a teen trauma story

B. If you could meet the characters in this book, what would you say to them?
I would tell the main character that no matter what she's going through life always gets better.

C. Is there a character in this book you feel connected? If so, in what way do you feel connected with them?
I feel like I connect a lot to Raina (the main character) in this book she battled Paranoia, depression, anxiety and just wanting to be loved and I feel very similar and connected to her

D. If you were placed in this book, what character do you think you'd be best friends with and why?
I love Maude, she's fun and definitely a party animal but she can be a bit toxic so I'd have to say either her or Sarah who is very sweet and kind.

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