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Jeromebtches interviews @waterandfire_xox

Requested by KatieLamb26

Books available on their Wattpad account:
Toxicity |18+|
Trusting Bits & Pieces |18+|
The contemporary Society

Go and give them a follow if you haven't already!

1. What genre/s do you love reading?
Honestly anything as long as there's romance and spice hehe.

2. What genre/s do you love writing?
Romance and gory stuff. When it comes to romance, I write to the extent that I see myself actually doing everything I have. With gory stuff, like blood and death, I don't know why but I love it. My teacher once told me "I'm too dark"

3. Who inspired you to write?
Honestly, no one. When I came to Australia (about five years ago from Ghana) my English was horrible. Writing has helped me improve my punctuation, structuring, basically everything although it is still not perfect.

4. Would you consider a career in writing?
No, writing is something that I use to hide everything that's happening to me. But in the future, my mind is focused to trying to achieve something bigger.

5. Do you have any other hobbies outside of writing?
Yes, I love baking and going to the gym. With the gym, I can run to the treadmill as fast as I can because it helps me forget all the things that has happened to me.

6. How old were you when you wrote your first story?
Fourteen years old.

7. Who is your favourite wattpad author/s?
I have none, I love everyone I've met and I'm excited to meet more.

8. How do you deal with negative reviews on your books?
As long as it is going to help me, I'm happy to receive any. But If it goes to the extent where you are being rude, I will just mute you because it isn't fair. I use my time and effort into trying to make my book the best as I can.

9. If you would write a book about your life, what would be the book's title?
"Why me?" I'm actually writing that book but it hasn't been publish yet.

10. Whats the hardest thing about becoming an author?
Trying to meet everyone's expectations, like would this make my readers happy?

11. How has writing affected your life?
Umm, I don't know how to say this. It has reduced the toll that prolonged consequences of things that has happened in my life have on me. I hope that makes sense.

12. Do you prefer writing Mature or not? Why or not?
Yes, I prefer to write mature.

13. What would you say to your readers?
Thank you so much for actually using your time to read my book. Every comment, read and vote means the world to me. Every time I see a vote on my book, or just a comment, I start to get butterflies in my stomach. This is because I always have this thing that my work isn't good, but to see someone reading it, makes me happy.

The following questions are based on one book:

A. What book are you most proud of and what genre is it?
Toxicity, I put a lot of things personal stuff in there and most parts are based on every little thing that has happened to me.

B. If you could meet the characters in this book, what would you say to them?
I would thank them for allowing me to go on an adventurous journey with them throughout my book. It made me realise a lot of things and mistakes I won't repeat.

C. Is there a character in this book you feel connected? If so, in what way do you feel connected with them?
Yes, my main character Aaliyah. She is fierce, confident, optimistic and a queen in my opinion. I'd love to have her features.

D. If you were placed in this book, what character do you think you'd be best friends with and why?
Again, it would be Aaliyah. I would love to actually see everything she does and hear what she says about her relationship with Aiden. Also, I would love to comfort and make her feel safe.

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