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Jeromebtches interviews KatieLamb26

Requested by danielsmith42

Books they have available on their Wattpad account:
Cursed Blood
Mafia's Scarred Angel

If you haven't already, go and give them a follow!

1. What genre/s do you love reading?
I love fantasy, Romance, Action-Adventure, Horror-Thriller, Mystery and even mature themes. I read sci-fi to even some extent.

2. What genre/s do you love writing?
I write all the genres―those I love reading but I'm still working on my sci-fi writing skills. Those are very hard to come.

3. Who inspired you to write?
No one specifically. How I got down to this path is a long process of many years. You see when I was little, I used to watch movies late night and when I'd go to sleep, I recalled all those scenes which I liked and I tried to interpret them in a different way. I created new characters, new plot and many more. And that was my routine of every night. But as I got older, just like any ordinary human, I began to lose my memories and my imaginations which caused me to wrinkle my brows at the thought. I wasn't ready to let go and I wanted to hold on to those memories. So I figured out a way to preserve them, I wrote them in points like ideas for a plot. It helped me improve my sense of imagining about new and extra ordinary things and then before I knew I was writing my very own and original novels.

4. Would you consider a career in writing? Please elaborate whether you would or wouldn't.
I haven't thought of it yet. You see writing has always been my passion and I deeply let it devour me, I let the words and the feelings consume me. I can't tell you what or who I'll be in the next ten or twenty years, what I could tell you is that no matter who I'll be on the outside, there will always be a little author dancing and living blissfully inside of me.

5. Do you have any other hobbies outside of writing?
I like music so sometimes I try to give myself some piano lessons but that's all.

6. How old we're you when you wrote you first book?
I was thirteen. I remember it fully because that book was my first imagination and the best of all yet, but it was just a first draft otherwise I would've uploaded it.

7. Who is your favourite Wattpad author/s?
There are a lot of friends and authors whom I love and appreciate. I'm sorry but I don't do favourites.

8. How do you deal with negative reviews on your book/s?
Well clearly it hurts but I always try to make myself learn something from it. I'm always looking ways to make my book good and the negative reviews are the just the way to go.

9. If you would write a book about your life, what would be the book's title?
"The Musings of a Sweet Sixteen" or "Making my Place in the World."

10. What's the hardest thing about becoming an author?
Pretty sure it's about gaining an intrigued audience for your book. Every author has to face that in addition to the negative criticisms about your plot.

11. How has writing affected your life?
It had familiarized me to a part of myself which I didn't know existed a few years ago. It'd made me come face to face with my demons, my good and bad qualities and now that I know about my flaws, I try to cut the ties between them and me.

12. Do you prefer writing Mature content or not? Why or why not?
I like writing mature and that's the only reason I write it. Besides if anyone thinks writing mature is easy, you're wrong dude. Writing mature is challenging and it holds the possibility of more criticisms than any other genre. To be honest, in my point of view, authors who write mature themes should gain a lot more credit than they usually do because they have to think about each and every word they put in their books. I mean, everyone knows the law, you write own bad word and there are age restrictions already hanging on your book.

13. What would you like to say to your readers?
Many many love to you all. You've made my dream come true and I truly love you all for that. Without you readers, we authors are nothing.

The following questions are based on one book:

A. What book are you most proud of and what genre is it?
As I've mentioned before it hasn't been published yet but among my publish works it'd be Mafia's Scarred Angel, it's a romance novel and I'm really fond of it myself. It's not edited but the storyline is amazing.

B. If you could meet the characters in this book, what would you say to them?
I'd tell Gabe to come out of his rock shell and confess his true feelings to Nat. And I'd tell Natalie to just not stress over the future for once and live in this amazing today.

C. Is there a character in this book you feel connected? If so, in what way do you feel connected with them?
It's a character that hasn't been introduced yet. Her name is Cecilia and I feel connected to her because even in her late teens she acts like a child and is always scared. Little things make her happy and sad and she's grown up in a protective environment but she's mentally more mature than anyone gives her credit for.

D. If you were placed in this book, what character do you think you'd be best friends with and why?
I'm pretty sure if that was to ever happen, I'd be friends with Cecilia since we both share so many similarities and I guess Natalie would fit in with me just fine because of her genuine and caring nature which I very much prefer in my friends. She's someone you'd never want to let go of.

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