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Jeromebtches interviews samhasleyhunwick

Requested by danielsmith42

Books they have available on their Wattpad account:
Draconite invasion
TLTSU Apolong Remastered edition
TLTSU: Michael

Give them a follow if you haven't already!

1. What genre/s do you love reading?
I love reading Science fiction, when I was a teen-ager I loved books that make you think, move your brain and help you see perspective on life and the universe.

2. What genre/s do you love writing?
I love writing science fiction, it's the best way to portray what's inside my inner universe, that parts of my self I keep hidden and I like SiFi due to the multiverse Theory, the fact that I can write anything from anywhere and it all make sense due to it being from other universes. I especially like how I can start a new story from a new world and I can make it completely from scratch, meaning I don't have to reference any other work I have written as the multiple worlds Theory predicted that there's many different types and many different universe.

3. Who inspired you to write?
When I was in high school I was looking after my older brother Michael Hunwick. He had a rare immunodeficiency that made his liver fail. He had to get on the transplant list. And suffer through the waiting never known if each day could be your last.

After a few years,we where sitting in the hospital in Perth Sir Charles Gardner hospital..where his specialist doctors entered the room all 7 of them.

They said to him when he was getting his artificial immunoglobulins.like we did every month.

And they said we have some good news for you. the went on to tell him they found a suitable donor. And will be proceeding with the liver transplant that night.

He was happy and after they left he broke down , crying. He went on to tell me the problem with rejection of the liver and how he had a 67% chance of dying during the operation and that's not including the chance that his body will accept it.

He then asked me to write his life story in a book. I promised him there and then I didn't know how I was going to do it but he asked and I will try.

After a year and a half of the liver transplant passing and his body accepting it. He passed away from heart failure during one night he was at his friends house down south.

I went on lost like a puppy wondering why he died. And after I got past the grief I wrote my first page about Trancilliance . After I published my first book on Wattpad in 2015. I wrote 3 more books and planned out 69 more.

I found out in 2018 after I published and was rejected by multiple Publishing companies. That I have dyslexia. proceeded to overcome that by practicing Freestyle handwriting. And hit the flow

4. Would you consider a career in writing? Please elaborate on whether you would or wouldn't.
I would consider a career in writing and I have been doing it for a few years now. I have plan's to bring out 3 books a year 1 free and 2 professional publications. Until I reach 72 books I planned.If I could get help I would accept as it's a struggle to get out there and find the people I need. Its hard enough being dyslexic and people don't know it. But I find it very hard to be accepted for my own style and for makeing words up to describe by universe.I would never give up until I reach world renown status, I would be happy if just a few people are fans

5. Do you have any other hobbies outside of writing?
I have many hobbies, like electronics I work 3 jobs one is more of a hobby and that's electronic Technician for a Games repair place. I moved away from my family and friends in western Australia for just that, the trainee ship.I love to dance I have created my own meditation style dance Fusion.A Scuba diving, driving boatsRock climbing sometimes. Playing games ,like Skyrim halo, fallout and Black ops online zombies and multiplayer. dragon's dogma, Dragon Age and oblivion. I love nature and I love photography. O work as a labor hire setting up and packing down events like the Brisbane Business hall of fame

6. How old were you when you wrote your first book?
It was a few years after my brother Michael passed away. I was talking to a illustrator a friend I just met. And he said after I was talking about my book you should just write it. At the time I was unaware that I had dyslexia and struggled with write day in day out. One day I seen Wattpad and I thought that is a perfect place to Start practices as a professional writer.In 2015 I started and in 1 year I had a manuscript it was called the Line that splice us Aplong. And after a few years in 2018 I was diagnosed with dyslexia, depression and anxiety emerged in 2019 and 2020 hit me hard.But after I wrote my first book I realised I was good at it and. My brother suggested I write a book from start to finish with a 250 page notebook. After I wrote the first 2 books that way I was surprised I did so good so I decided to do all my books by hand and then I got the hang of freestyle handwriting and chose to write that way permanently

7. Who is your favourite Wattpad author/s?
I haven't really found a favourite until a few months ago. Daniel Smith our mutual friend is my favourite. He is both a great writer and he's a good mate. I believe without him I would have struggled more these last few weeks.

8. How do you deal with negative reviews on your book/s?
Well when I was younger I use to get a lot of open reviews from people I told my book about that with them saying I was not very good at writing. That I Spell things incorrectly and I just try my best to work on those issues. I'm dyslexic but it's not a excuse to spell bad. Each day is a struggle I have a hard time reading my own work let alone others. But when I write by hand it's Evan more challenging. I just work on every day what I can do to improve myself and my work.

9. If you would write a book about your life, what would be the book's title?
I have not really thought about a book about My life. I have been so dead focused on books for my brother and my mum I never thought it would be something I would do but.

I'd pick from these 3 titles.Mumeo for my mum's my inspiration as well as my brother.

Another would be life of Dancing Enlightenment

10. What's the hardest thing about becoming an author?
I'd like to say that becoming an author at the start is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Being dyslexic and being a male made it hard to branch out into a SiFi author style. But I think the hardest part was teaching myself Science and then also teaching myself how to read better and writing spelling and not making mistakes when I am freestyle handwriting.

The following questions are based on one book:

A. What book are you most proud of and what genre is it?
A my most proud book is TLTSU Michael.I am most proud of it because it make me feel free and better about myself as I Evan get goosebumps a Evan cry occasionally. I wrote it in 6 months and I feel it expresses my inner thought's about my brother and how we suffer through things most our lives.

B. If you could meet the characters in this book, what would you say to them?
If I met the Hero's of my new books I'd say to them. What is it like living in a world and you can say you have met your creator.

C. Is there a character in this book you feel connected? If so, in what way do you feel connected with them?
A character in my book I feel connected to us Tazrik the immortal. I feel like he's the person I would be if I never lost my brother and I was immortal living in and out of many lives.

D. If you were placed in this book, what character do you think you'd be best friends with and why?
If I was placed into my book I would be best friends with the hero Trancilliance I feel like I am connected to him I have had a dream about him once where he looked at me when I herd things out the front of my house In the dream I went to investigate and I seen him as I walked up to him he was looking of into the distance. Then as I approach him he said" you have to warn them" and then the city blow started to erupt with destruction and huge whirlpools exploded from the city and people where yelling

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