"Don't worry Robin."

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Song - I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys

After school ended Steve decided not to go to college and just to stay in Hawkins and get a small job somewhere here. I decided the same for two reasons, one, I don't even have an idea of what I want to do with my life, and two, I'm not ready for that kind of commitment or to leave all my friends behind here. Steve also ultimately made his decision based on his dad's wants and needs. Steve's dad wants him to stay and work for him even if that isn't what Steve wants. I personally don't like Steve's parents at all but you won't catch me saying anything to their faces. He also made his decision based on the fact that no one would accept him also, so, that is a factor.

My parents, although, still on business trips urged me to go to college and 'do something with my life.' They were not all too pleased to hear that I would be staying here and putting that stage of my life on hold for a small amount of time. They begged and pleaded with me and told me they would pay for all of it as though it were a money issue. I told them I wasn't and to let it go. They said they would kick me out if I didn't do something with my life so I challenged them.

I told them to go for it, if they didn't want me here I could figure something else out. This house and college were not my only two options. When it came to it, of course, my parents didn't want to kick their sweet child out of the house so I'm staying for now. The excuse they used was that they needed someone to watch over the house when they were gone to make sure nobody stole their fake designer.

Word got out that there would soon be a brand new mall right in the center of Hawkins and immediately when it opened I and Steve made our move. We basically ran to the mall and interviewed for a small ice cream shop whose names scoops a-hoy. We figured out pretty quickly that not many people wanted to work at an ice cream shop for their summer job. All of our shifts are the same and we work the same hours with this girl named Robin who I think is pretty cool but Steve isn't fond of her. She's the same age as Nancy so I wouldn't have a problem befriending her.

The kids come by all the time and somehow suckered us into letting them behind the counter so they can sneak into movies all the time. We keep telling them that 'this is the last time.' but we never truly follow up with that.

Today is nothing special.

I hear the bell ring first and roll my head back to look at the ceiling.

"Hey dingus your children are here!" Robin yells from the front counter and I continue with inventory as I watch Steve stomp over to the window before throwing it open.

"Again? Seriously?" One more ding from the bell and Steve lets them through. "Come on, come on. I swear if anybody hears about this-"

"We're dead!" They all shout.

Not long after all three of us are out in front, Steve is scooping ice cream, Robin is taking orders, and I am getting toppings, cones, and bowls ready and mostly just chilling until it's my turn to do either of those things. The lights flicker a bit while this is happening but I don't worry too much until the lights completely shut off.

"What the hell?" Steve sighs and I notice Robin looks really unnerved.

"Don't worry Robin, it's a new mall and I'm sure they are just having a problem getting used to the power and all that stuff." I nod at her.

"I wasn't scared." She assures me and I shrug as Steve walks over to flip the light switch. The only problem is he keeps flicking it up and down even though the lights continue to not work.

"That's not gonna work dingus." She frowns at him.

"Oh, really?" he challenges and continues.

The lights come on a few seconds after and Steve throws up his hands as the nautical tune begins playing again.

I Love You, I'm Sorry // Steve Harrington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now