The Part Where Things are Questioned - Bhisma

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The healer was standing next to the bed spooning some medicinal herbs into Arjun's mouth, but the prince was unable to sallow most of it. The rest dribbled down the side of his lips and Bhisma quickly dabbed it with a cloth before it could stain the bedcovers. His heart twisted with worry and sorrow as he looked upon his great grandson. Arjun was his favourite and this was a ill kept secret. The child had won his heart since the first time that the grandsire had set his eyes upon him. A curious and talented child, Arjun did not just grow up to be an extremely valiant warrior and the best archer of Aryabhrata but also to be a humble and kind hearted person. He was quick to anger at times, but never moved back from seeking forgiveness.

Bhisma place a gentle hand on Arjun's wrist and concentrated on the beats of his pulse as the healer now gently pulled the arrow from Arjun's body. The wound now bled freely but not alarmingly. Arjun's pulse was slower than Bhisma would have liked it to be. He was no healer but in his long life has had the opportunity to study some medical texts. A slow pulse was not expected after such a minor injury.

The healer was cleaning up the wound and examining it minutely. Bhisma now sat on the bed near Arjun's head and ran his hand lightly through the archer's curly hair. A sigh left him and he felt the rare stirrings of his old age. His bones ached, not with physical discomfort, but with mental exhaustion. The constant envy Duryodhana held for the Pandavas had weakened Bhisma's will to live sooner than it should have. The incident at Varnavrat and the succeeding grief had taken its toll on him.


Arjun stirred and mumbled. Bhisma was jolted out of his thoughts and placing his palm on Arjun's forehead he spoke in a low voice. "Arjun... Can you hear me child? Are you okay?"


Arjun mumbled yet again but he was clearly not conscious. It was a fevered muttering and further worried Bhisma. The Pandavas visit to Hastinapur was not pre planed. In fact, ever since the construction of Indraprasth, and the ceremony of the Rajsurya Yagna, the relations between the cousins were further embittered. Bhisma was aware that Duryodhana spent each day plotting with Gandhar Raj Shakuni and was relieved when that conniving man left for his Gandhar city, even if it were for just a few days. The visit to Indraprasth was made by Kunti, Yudhistira, Arjun and Nakul. Sahadeva and Bheem had stayed back with Draupadi and Subhadra to ensure smooth running of the kingdom. Though they held no great love for Hastinapur in their hearts, Bhisma knew that the Pandavas missed the people back home.

"But what happened to you, my child!" Bhisma spoke to himself continuing to smooth Arjun's hair. "There seems to be no poison in the wound. The wound, in itself, is fairly shallow. Then why are you not waking up? What will I tell Kunti when she comes? What message will I have for your brothers and Panchali? And you married Subhadra but a few months back. I am not used to seeing you like this, dear child!"

"You are right, Gangaputra." The healer had finished his examination and he had applied herbs to the wound. "There is no poison in the wound, the wound is not too deep and yet I can't figure out why Prince Arjun is not regaining consciousness."

Bhisma sighed again but before he could question the healer further, Nakul entered the quarters and from his worried expression it was clear that he had received the news. The sight of the young prince was a relief for the aged patriarch. Nakul was an extremely talented healer; a blessing of the Lords Aswinikumars. There was none who could rival the medical prowess this young Pandu prince possessed. He and his twin Sahadeva made for a formidable pair.

With a per functionary salutation towards Bhisma, Nakul quickly made his way to the other side of Arjun's bed. He placed a hand on his brother's forehead and closed his eyes. Bhisma could barely make out the slight shivers wracking the young Prince's body. Nakul's lips were pinched tightly and he seemed to be barely holding on to his emotions.

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