The Part where The Lord seeks answers and fights back - Krishna

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18. Krishna - The Part where The Lord seeks answers and fights back

This is a Mahabharata Fan fiction mostly based on facts we see in Star Mahabharata. The Mahabharata in its entirety holds a lot of facts and is a complicated and marvellous creation, but this is just a fan fiction. There are several facts which were not included/ not correct in Star Mahabharata but I am specifically basing my fan fiction on the serial with some changes. So there will be several anomalies. This story is just meant as an entertainment and there is no intention to hurt anyone's feelings, religious or otherwise. I have just borrowed the characters to weave a storyline.

I have been having a hard time updating this story due to some personal issues. For the same, I have also branched out to a new fandom and this actually helped me to get over this terrible writer's block to a great extent.

I do not know how much justice I could do to this chapter but I needed to have something up. Thank you all for the kind comments and I will always welcome comments and suggestions. You all are truly great readers and encouragers. Thank you and regards.

I am time and again overwhelmed by all the positive comments and encouragement. It means a lot. Thank you all. Every single comment is treasured. Suggestions are also most welcome.

Take Care.

If he were a normal human being, Krishna would have questioned and maybe even cursed destiny or fate for what was transpiring with his friend.

If Krishna were just a human reincarnation, he would have had the clarity and the aloofness required to let the things work out or not, at their own pace.

But he was neither; it was Krishna's burden and one which he gladly bears, to look out this very special friend of his. To make sure that Arjun recovers, both for the sake of the well-being of the entire human race and for shielding his own heart; this was his priority.

It was no easy task for him to find the balance between emotions and duty but for once, Krishna was not looking forward to seek the equilibrium.

He just wished to see his Parth conscious, and healthy. But it seemed far and further away as each moment passed.

In the precious few moments which Krishna had spent with the Pandava brothers, Arjun's condition had deteriorated further but Krishna's reaction was nothing in comparison to the three Pandava Brothers', who had yelled distraughtly and had looked upon their brother with utter devastation.

Because when they had left the room, Arjun had been unconscious, but there had been no outright sights of the same on the archer's body; the only wound had been on the warrior's chest. However, now Arjun's entire body was littered with wounds of all kind; there were deep bruises which would normally come from being hit by a mace, there were shallow and deep cuts which seemed to have originated from swords or spears and there were diagonal slashes, looking very much like axe wounds.

The wounds were all bleeding heavily and the Raj Vaidya was cleaning them up and packing in poultices to restrict the blood flow. Arjun lay, pretty much corpse like in appearance, with the wounds blossoming against his dark skin and his visage growing paler with each passing moment.

His Parth looked like he was giving up.

"Arjun! What is happening to Arjun, Krishna?" Yudhistira's words were laden with tears and was shaking violently; the Pandava eldest was losing control over his emotions.

"Something of which I had but an inkling, Jyestha." Krishna placed a comforting arm around Yudhistira. "This is why I went to call you back."


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