The Part where Sworn enemies have doubts - Karna

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There were too many people in the room now, was Angaraj Karna's first thoughts as he followed his friend Duryodhana inside Arjun's quarters and which had now doubled up as a sick room. Karna could see Mahamahim Bhisma and Prince Nakul sitting on either side of Arjun's bed. Mahamahim was holding onto the archer's hand and Nakul was spooning was looked like the juice of some herbs into his brother's slack mouth. Some of the medicine was dribbling down the side of his lips and Karna saw that Samrat Yudhistira used the corner of his angavastra to wipe it away.

The sight raised a strange emotion in Karna. Yudhistira could have had any number of servant look after his brother, do the menial tasks. But the Chakravarti Samrat chose to do it himself. He was even fetching whatever herbs Nakul needed as per his directions allowing his brother to concentrate on the healing.

Then there was Duryodhana, who stood shoulder to shoulder with Karna and the king of Anga was unable to read his friend's thoughts. Duryodhana held his shoulder stiff and straight. There was the world of tension in them. Karna wanted to drag his friend away from the crowd and demand him to unburden his thoughts. There was no guarantee that he would, but Karna wanted to try. Duryodhana's though process had always been against the Pandavas and Angaraj knew that nothing would please his friend more than their deaths. And the fact that it was Arjun who faced imminent death, the most able warrior amongst the Pandavas. Karna had expected to see Duryodhana elated. The eldest Kaurava did not hate Arjun as much as he did the two elder Pandavas but Duryodhana was actually looking somewhat devastated.

Karna could not begin to fathom his own thoughts; it was Arjun who was potentially facing death. Arjun, who Karna had vowed to kill; though not an oath it was close enough in Karna's mind. But Arjun was facing death as he had taken in a cursed arrow which would had wiped away all existence of the Kauravas. The arrow may well have rid him of his friend Duryodhana and all other Kaurava princes. Karna's heart burned with helplessness that it was not him who had stood for Duryodhana. It had to be Arjun, his arch rival. Did he now owe Arjun his friend's life? It was a bitter fact to palate.

The harsh sounds of coughing interrupted the uneasy silence fallen around the room. Arjun... Karna heart skipped a beat or two as he saw Arjun's convalescing body. The prince was still unconscious but his body was contracting with harsh coughs. The entire room had fallen into silence and all eyes were trained on the injured prince.

In a rare thought of pity towards the man, Karna regretted the lack of privacy Arjun was being give. Knowing him, he would not have wished for Duryodhana or Karna to bear witness to him being at such a weakened state.

The coughing continued and soon Arjun's lips were speckled with blood and again Karna saw Yudhistira use his angavastra to wipe at his brother's lips. Nakul was looking tensed and Karna saw him take a moment's break from mixing herbs and run his hand over his brother's head.

Rajmata Kunti made a small sound of despair and moved closer to Arjun's bed. "IS there no improvement, Nakul?" she asked, her voice shaky and fearful

Nakul shook his head. "I am afraid not, Mata," he said.

Karna looked away as he saw the glitter of tears lining the eyes of the young man. Yudhistira placed his arm around his younger brother and Karna saw with a pang that the prince turned and hid his face into his Jyesth's shoulder. Angaraj looked over at his friend Duryodhana with some worry; the crown prince of Hastinapur was often inclined to make fun of and deride any small weakness on the Pandavas' part. But Duryodhana continued to look dumbfounded and....

And... Was there some worry in his friend's eyes? The same person who had planned to burn the Pandavas at the wax house in Varnavrat? The worry was fleeting but it had been present.
Dushyala was standing at a corner, being held by her mother, Queen Gandhari and Maharaja Dhritarashtra was sitting near them, a look of extreme anxiety obvious on his face.

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