The Part with the Healer's anguish - Nakul

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This is a Mahabharata Fanfiction mostly based on facts we see in Star Mahabharat. The Mahabharat in its entirety holds a lot of facts and is a complicated and marvelous creation, but this is just a fanfiction. There are several facts which were not included/ not correct in Star Mahabharat but I am specifically basing my fanfiction on the serial with some changes. So there will be several anomalies. This story is just meant as an entertainment and there is no intention to hurt anyone's feelings, religious or otherwise. I have just borrowed the characters to weave a storyline.

As always it may take some time to come up with the next chapter due to health reasons and work pressure. Kindly bear with me as I really intend to take this story to a conclusion.

Thank you all for the kind comments and I will always welcome comments and suggestions. I am feeling quite overwhelmed. You all are truly great readers and encouragers.

Thank you and regards. Take care everyone. 

This is a very quick chapter. Comments are very much appreciated. Thank you

12. Nakul

Torrential rains lashed at the windows of the thatched hut and the winds threatened to blow off its roof, but the weather was not the reason for the unrest prevalent in the room. A barely four-year-old Nakul could see his Maa Kunti and Maa Madri looking worried and taking turns to look out of a partly opened window. The same window was allowing copious amounts of rainwater to seep into the room and a muddy puddle was forming on the floor of the hut. Lightning could be seen streaking across the skies followed by loud roaring of the thunder. When the lighting struck some tree or stone in the forest, the sounds turned deafening.

Nakul, clutching at his Bhrata Bheem's hand, was trying desperately to stop crying, but it was so very difficult. His tiny face was awash with tears, and he was sniffing and whimpering almost involuntarily. There was a very faint red mark on his hand where he had been struck by his Maa Madri just moments ago. According to her, "It is high time that you stop behaving like a little kid, Nakul. I cannot cope with your tantrums at this moment."

Nakul had made his way over to a corner of the hut and tried to block out the sounds of the thunderstorm and he was joined by Bheem moments later. With Bheemsen by his side, Nakul had found his courage bolstered. His hand was still paining and all he wanted was his eldest brother. Yudhistira would take care of his hand and also see to it that Maa Madri did not scold him or hit him again.

"I am very hungry, Blrrata Bheem.." Nakul now spoke up, taking care to keep his voice low. "Why Pitalshee not back yet? Is he searching Blrrata Arjun? Where is he? Is Jyessyha with him?" His lisping was still very pronounced, and Nakul knew that at a normal hour his Bhrata Bheem would have teased him for the same. It went to show that this was no ordinary time and today was no regular day.

Bheem nodded. "I am hungry too, Anuj. But we cannot disturb our mothers now. They are very worried. Pitashree and Jyestha Bhrata are both out searching for Arjun in this weather. It has been close to two prahar that they are gone and almost four prahar since any one of us have seen Arjun. Are you hungry too, Sahadeva?"

Nakul found that his twin brother had also joined them and even though he was not as obviously distraught as Nakul but there was clear fear in his eyes. Sahadeva had grabbed hold of Bheem's other arm and he shook his head. "Not hung...hungry; I..I want Bhrata Arjun... He has promised to t-to tell me a story."

Bheem placed a hand on Sahadeva's shoulder and pulled him further into the comfort of his arms. "Arjun will be back soon; do not worry."

Nakul could tell that Bheem was less confident and more hopeful. "W-where is Blrrata?" he asked again.

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