The Part where a Brother is punished and Brotherhood re established - Yudhistira

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This is a Mahabharata Fanfiction mostly based on facts we see in Star Mahabharat. The Mahabharat in its entirety holds a lot of facts and is a complicated and marvelous creation, but this is just a fanfiction. There are several facts which were not included/ not correct in Star Mahabharat but I am specifically basing my fanfiction on the serial with some changes. So there will be several anomalies. This story is just meant as an entertainment and there is no intention to hurt anyone's feelings, religious or otherwise. I have just borrowed the characters to weave a storyline.

As always it may take some time to come up with the next chapter due to health reasons. Kindly bear with me as I really intend to take this story to a conclusion. Thank you all for the kind comments and I will always welcome comments and suggestions. You all are truly great readers and encouragers. Thank you and regards.

I am time and again overwhelmed by all the positive comments and encouragement. It means a lot. Thank you all.

Every single comment is treasured. Suggestions are also most welcome. 

I have started writing some ICT based fanfiction, mostly centered on our Mahi Bhai Sir, Virat sir and the others. But I do not know whether it will be welcomed and even if I will ever post them. Nevertheless, do let me know how you feel about this chapter

17. Yudhistira

The day had now progressed to nightfall and, yet again, Arjun's room served as a meeting point. Krishna had not left the room at all and still occupied his chosen window seat. The Dwarakadhish was staring out of the open window, deep in thought. He sat so still, that for a moment Yudhistira thought that he had fallen asleep. The weather outside remained pleasant, with a gentle drizzle cooling the surroundings.

The constant conversation in the room was lulling Yudhistira to some state of meditative stillness. He was not paying too much attention as it was mostly technical discussions between the twins with occasional help being meted out by Pitamah and Guru Drone.

Yudhistira was seated on Arjun's bed with his brother's head cradled on his lap. Despite the constant energy being channeled into his brother by Pitamah, Gurudev and Vasudev, Arjun's condition had worsened. Yudhistira's hands were subconsciously smoothing out Arjun's disheveled hair and his mind kept repeating the Maha Mrityunjay mantra. He could feel Arjun's severely depleted core but even as they tried to rush in as much energy as possible, the archer's body was rejecting it beyond a certain limit.

Bheem and Pitamah had not had any major success in their search and even though they had travelled distances further than Yudhistira and Angaraj, they were unable to find any concrete information about the man who had attacked Dushyala and Arjun. Even now they were having a heated discussion, and Yudhistira caught only bits which travelled his way.

" spies have yet to bring any concrete information. All they have found is that someone resembling an ascetic has been seen roaming these parts. We know that he is the one we seek as he was having a grievous wound...." It was Pitamah speaking. Never had his age reflected so heavily in his voice as it now did.

"So he did fight the Astra or did he not?" Sahadeva sounded frustrated.

"How will it matter?" Nakul's reply came fast and in exasperation. "We are fairly sure that it is not the original Narayanastra."

Some nature of bickering started up between the twins and Yudhistira tuned out most of it. He concentrated on trying to feed Arjun's core with what energy he could and the veil of gloom slightly lifted when his anuj accepted most of it. Yudhistira knew well and also accepted, that his capacity of providence of energy was considerably limited when compared to Pitamah, Gurudev and especially Krishna, but with the exception of Vasudev (Krishna), his was the energy Arjun accepted most easily.

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